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Everything posted by meganfiala

  1. Okay, so were you kidding or what? You've got me confused over your motive in posting this.... Megan
  2. For me, a true celebration involves dressing up and going to a really expensive restaurant, very private, with only a couple of other people. Talking about plans for the future of what we are celebrating, etc. Celebrating is about surrounding yourself with things that make you feel good in order to mark the event both intellectually and physically.
  3. Well, I had a look at your site, very interesting. I really hope that you are able to get it published, as I think it is very much needed by most men today.
  4. Oui, je suis sure que c'est comment qu'on le dit en francais. Pardonnez-moi, mais je ne peux retrouver les accents sur cet ordinateur. Green with envy, en francais, l'expression cet vert de jalousie, ou vert d'envie.
  5. lol, now that is a great example of objectivist humor
  6. lol, my sister uses that stupid term all the time
  7. Yeah, I'm fluently bilingual, I'm actually reading it in french. I though i would make a challenge of it. Although my writing/reading/speaking french is great, I still need a dictionary for the really old parisien words. I hope i have an abridged version, i'm not sure....
  8. Thanks for all your recommendations. Damn. I now have a very big reading list. I've decided to start out with the french Les Miserables. Hope i'll enjoy it. Radcap, this Sparrowhawk series you seem to be very fond of, I think I'll check it out.
  9. I think you may be getting bad vibes here because I have yet to see you post something that didn't question the very essence of Objectivism. You claim to know alot about Ob. but your questions are easily answered in any of Ayn Rand's books. My question to you would be, seeing as you claim to be a non-objectivist, what are you trying to get at here? What is your motive, because it obviously is not to further understand Objectivism, but rather to shake our basic principals for no obvious reason. You're asking for bad vibes...
  10. I'm my opinion, if Objectivists have to use a more friendly language to prove truth of their ideas, that's pathetic. It all goes back to the root of language and how for primitive thinkers, language is not a tool that communicates a specific message, but a bunch of sounds with their own mystic/intristic meaning. As though the sounds that make up the word capitalism are evil in themselves, apart from any meaning or definition.
  11. Because in pursueing their happiness they violate our rights. But for real, I think you need to do some more reading into objectivism, this is utterly disgusting what you are proposing.
  12. okay, yeah, i guess i wasn't very specific. The problem here I guess is that I feel uneducated enough to read Aristotle or other philosophers, for lack of clearly understanding what they said. I attempted to read Metaphysics by Aristotle, and I read maybe 6 chapters and then I was like: Do you have any idea what you just read? And I answered myself: NO. So I guess I'm looking either for great fictional works, Nimble recommended Hugo which I'll look into, or really well written philosophy books. Part of the reason I like Rand is her writing, she is very good at explaining very complex abstractions whereas I find a lot of authors just confuse me. Any advice now?
  13. I'll be studying Fashion Design
  14. meganfiala

    Good Reads

    Hey, Well, I'll put it this way, I have pretty much only read Ayn Rand for the past 2 years. I have read them all, except for The Early Ayn Rand and only half of Journals (I love Ayn Rand, but really this book is intended for writers who are interested in technique in my opinion.) I read them all because I couldn't get enough, and I wanted to read most of what she had to say before I delved into other authors. But now I'm pretty much done, I just read a collection of essays from her and LP written in her newsletter. I'm no longer being inspired, as once you know the Objectivist principals, you pretty much know what she's going to say about a topic that she approaches. (living those principals is a much harder task). Anyhow, I love Ayn Rand's writings, especially her blunt manner in conveying her ideas, but I'm now on the hunt for something new. There is so much I have to learn about everything! ( I feel like I learnt nothing in school now... and I probably didn't either) Any leads on where to start? Do I start with logic, or politics? History or economics? Personally, I know myself best and I think that what I need is something more related to the individual, in terms of books that discuss values and such a la Virtue of Selfishness. Any suggestions. Wow, that was a lot of writing for such a small question. But seriously, I'm looking for REALLY good books.
  15. What do you mean by a nature of politics and manipulation?? Laissez-faire capitalism isn't best for everyone? Why, because some people can't have their way at the expense of others? In terms of a man's actual career goal and it's achievement, in a capitalist society, there would be no conflict between men of interests. I'm a little confused as to your assumptions about laissez-faire capitalism and how men who want political power, which is only possible in a mixed economy, can't have it. That's a good thing in my opinion. So, are you curious about laissez-faire capitalism or are you curious about those who want political pull. Cause they don't mix. Sorry if I confuse you, but there is some major contradictions in your post on a fundamental level, and I am trying to sort it out. Please let me know what you think...
  16. Hey Fireworks I'll be going to Ryerson in the Fall, what are you studying at U. of T.
  17. I'll be going to school in the fall in Toronto. What are you up to in Toronto?
  18. Bob Marley wanted you to stand up for your rights: right on top of other's rights. In my opinion, someone who smoked that much dope cannot be taken seriously as an advocate of self-esteem and self-worth like an Objectivist. It's ridiculous. Anyways, now I have that song in my head and I can't get it out! Damnit.
  19. Where in Canada are you from??
  20. Well, I am Canadian also. But I'm not so sure if I'm as proud as you are. Can you give me specific reasons for your patriotism? Thanks
  21. I would like to know if there are any Canadian members on this site. (I don't want to bring up a topic like canadian politics if there aren't any.) Let me know!! If so, let me know what you think about Canada vs. US. Who's better off? Your opinions?
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