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0096 2251 2110 8105

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Everything posted by 0096 2251 2110 8105

  1. *Search button* *Search button* *Search button* *Search button* *Search button* *Search button*
  2. Cough* Search button. There's already a thread on this very same question going.
  3. This may be old news, but I don't see a thread going around here. AC360: Christopher Hitchens Talks Cancer and God I was really shocked to see him looking like this. If he actually dies of cancer, which unfortunately seems very likely, it's going to be a very sad day, to me at least.
  4. Yeah. A whole thread actually. Use the search function.
  5. There are no communist nations, my friend. Learn your communizms. The game looks really really good though.
  6. Why did you even mention Kant? There were lots of philosophers playing there.
  7. Okay, OP, I'm going to put an end to this. Study this, this and this. Practice it and come back when you're ready. These things work. I wish I had access to suff like this when I was younger. Use it wisely.
  8. Oh my God... I just had to laugh at this. Yeah, WLU_Objectivism, my rational faculty went mad at the movie theater! I just threw all my popcorn at the screen, ripped my shirt like a wild beast, immediately went outside and violently asked the person in charge for a refund! I was furious at the number of explosions the movie had! Seriously, and you wonder why we Objectivists have a bad reputation. Okay, so how many explosions should be allowed to be in the movie? Geez... Sometimes I can't believe the things I read in this forum.
  9. If all anyone ever did was search, no one would ever post anything, yes. Anything that is completely unnecessary, out of place, already discussed, and it would decrease a good number of overly redundant and unnecessarily repeated topics just because of the OP's laziness or unwillingness to use the search function, as in JacobGalts case, which happens to be all the time. Anyway, I never said that using it is all anyone should do, but it should be done at least before posting a new topic.
  10. Thanks again for using the search function, JacobGalt. Really...
  11. Good, because I've downloaded tons of music that's just inaccessible and would be impossible to get in any other way.
  12. I'd have to be this one, but not by "other self-proclaimed Objectivists", but by Ayn Rand and other mainstream Objectivists. I'm particularly bothered by their colorful and non-rigorous writing style, and their historic and theoretical understanding of anarchism, socialism and communism. Other than that, I agree with all the basic principles, so I don't think that would be obstacle for calling myself "Objectivist." Perhaps that would make me one of those neo-Objectivists, but I don't really care about tagging myself under any particular name, nor I have the need to go around saying that I am or am not an Objectivist.
  13. There are a gazillion of these threads already addressing your issue. Use the search function.
  14. You already know the answers to these questions, and you should be familiar with what his answers are going to be. I don't know if you just want to show off in your college or something, but It would be better if you don't waste his time and others' who do have questions to ask him.
  15. Are you against the article because of something in particular that you read, or simply because it says "David Kelley" and "Chris Sciabarra" at the bottom?
  16. Yeah, but... I still don't see the part where the marxists make up the word. Could you be a little more specific? Being in the left doesn't make you by definition a marxist.
  17. Wow! Thanks again, JacobGalt. This topic has never ever been discussed in the forum.
  18. Thanks. Hmm... That's interesting. Do you have any source to back up your claim that marxists, specifically, were the ones who gave birth to that word?
  19. Oh God... Can you PLEASE use the search button instead of making a ton of these completely unnecessary done-to-death threads? http://forum.ObjectivismOnline.com/index.php?showtopic=17362&st=0&p=179995&hl And how about at least making a try yourself to answer your questions first, or merely expressing your own thoughts about them, or at least giving whatever context instead of making these "Is Objectivism ___? yes or no?" threads? If you want to keep on asking questions posed like that then you can use the chatroom.
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