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  1. Questions I am asking myself within the context of education: What would a modern alternative comprehensive online school look like? In what context would you be willing to contribute to such an enterprise? What does it mean to read a book a day? What role does humor play in the development of consciousness? How does a call to "Responsibility" and "Meaning" affect the rising generation? How does one develop a balance between ones own body and mind in healthy integration? How does one practice speaking in a compelling way that keeps the interest of your audience? What is the value of self awareness? Do others find you self aware in an argument? How do you hone your skills toward a contentious audience? How do you organize vital information to recall in crucial situations? When you think, do you develop arguments within yourself in order to prepare to meet your opposition? How much effort have you made to improve your writing skill? Who is your target audience? Ayn Rand wrote for herself, but was also reaching toward her ideal man. Would your ideal man have any critical feedback for the way you conduct yourself in the world? Do you have some sense of what you don't know? Have you set goals for what you want to accomplish? In what ways do you abdicate the responsibility toward your aspirations? In what ways do you create meaning in your life? Are there disciplines that have become corrupt that I think I might be interested in and able to take on? What are the common conditions that lead to war? Are there good ways to direct my skills toward entrepreneurial pursuits? What have I learned through the phenomena of social media? Why leave those venues to my adversaries? What are the consequences of recent technological breakthroughs? How can I develop creatively in all aspects of life? Has the quality of life of the people I value and love (and who love me) been sufficiently improved by my presence in their lives? Considering Existence and Consciousness are corollaries: What symbolic void is being left in the world by me not attempting living up to my potential? How do I quantify the education I have acquired? How can I find a way to travel and visit more of this planet in a more intimate way? How can a person be taught to read, think, speak, present, and negotiate in a more efficient manner? What is the Intellectual Dark Web? Clinical Psychologist, and Evolutionary Biologist Jordan Peterson is working toward the development of a less expensive online school. Considering hierarchies are biologically linked to achievement, how do I develop my own competence hierarchy that benefits me as an individual?
  2. According to Heinrich Harrer, friend of the 13th Dalai Lama, and author of Seven Years in Tibet [1953]: "Whether it is Lhasa or Rome -- all are united by one wish: to find God and to serve Him." This is true. But ultimately no person, institution or concept is noble or great enough. Only the Holy Individual is worth finding and serving in all His potential nobility and greatness.
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