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The Ultimate Good

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The Ultimate Good

How you can experience the ultimate good

Copyright © 2004

"A new political configuration is about to be born. Whether that new configuration will include a reconstituted Democratic Party or a new and as yet unknown third party is not clear. But one thing is certain, the deconstruction of post 1960s liberalism and with it the old Democratic Party has now past the point of no return."

-- Kirt Sechooler


What is the ultimate good? Is it a new car, a new home, a vacation or a cure for cancer? No. These are goods that the marketplace can and should deliver, but none of them are the ultimate good. What then is the ultimate good? The following material reveals what the ultimate good is and how you can experience it.

Bush to Ban Human Cloning

In a recent interview President George W. Bush was asked about his political views on cloning. Bush said, "I believe all human cloning is wrong, and a total ban on human cloning is necessary to ensure the protection of human life as the frontiers of science expand. Anything short of a comprehensive ban would be impossible to enforce and would permit human embryos to be created, developed and destroyed solely for research purposes. I strongly support a comprehensive law against all human cloning." Reference: Science Magazine, volume 306, pages 47-48, October 1, 2004.

If Bush acts on his word, he will kill the incentive for scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs to develop cloning technologies that could be used for therapeutic treatments, organ transplants and life extension. Violators of the proposed cloning ban could serve ten years in prison or be fined one million dollars.

Only one way exists to overcome all fatal diseases and extend human lifespan indefinitely. Does it consist of electing Hillary Clinton as President of the United States in 2008? How about electing Rudy Giuliani as President of the United States in 2008? How about praying to God?

No, none of the above actions will help. They will only make things worse. Americans do not need Hillary Clinton's version of Marxism that was refined by Antonio Gramsci and embraced by America's liberal establishment. Nor do Americans need Rudy Giuliani's anti-capitalist stance of prosecuting Wall Street financiers that is echoed in his protégés James Comey and David Kelly. And Americans certainly do not need the fallacious God/Allah concept that has been used to bury more people than all government murder-machines combined. What do Americans need if they want to escape the horrific aging and dying processes of nature? They need the shock wave that can be delivered only by unchained capitalism.

Unchained capitalism? Is not capitalism exploitative and evil? That is what society's intellectuals have been preaching for decades. How can anyone benefit from capitalism? Has not capitalism already run its course and been relegated to antiquity?

The Ultimate Good Arises From Capitalism

The new Capitalism Party will abolish the income tax, terminate the Internal Revenue Service, jettison the Department of Transportation, discard the Department of Education, eradicate the Securities and Exchange Commission, eliminate the Drug Enforcement Administration, shut down the Federal Communications Commission and purge all other regulatory agencies from the federal government.

Even the government's economic czar Alan Greenspan and his counterfeiting machine a.k.a. the Federal Reserve System will get jettisoned. The hatchet man of government has arisen and his initials are CP: Capitalism Party. No statist elements can survive the onslaught of jaw-dropping, eye-opening, free-wheeling capitalism. All-out competition is coming and it is coming from beyond the closed borders of earth's mystical world. Liberals? Conservatives? No. Capitalism!

Chances are good that you know someone who despises capitalism. That is because liberals control public education through powerful education unions. Following Fabian protocols, liberals force citizens into public education and then hire teachers and professors to subtly brainwash students into despising capitalism while accepting socialism as a proper political-economic system. How did liberals acquire their antipathy of capitalism?

Modern liberals seized the vacant liberal name after it was abandoned over a century ago by classical liberals. Classical liberals made important intellectual discoveries. But their fatal flaw was their theory of value. Adam Smith could not provide a rational explanation of the value of things along with their prices. David Ricardo hit the classical liberal's dead-end with his explanation of value. This calcified error made possible Karl Marx.

Karl Marx adopted the classical liberal's erroneous theory of value. Marx believed a product has value in proportion to the amount of labor that went into producing it. This is called the labor theory of value. Karl Marx believed that if a product required 10 hours to be produced, that is the value of the product and the price should reflect this. So if the laborer earned $1 per hour, the price of the product should be $10.

Yet Marx saw this was not how things happened in the real world. In the real world, Marx observed capitalists selling products for much more than the labor expended during production. Hence Marx believed capitalists exploit workers by not paying them the full amount received for products sold. Marx considered capitalists to be parasites that appropriate money belonging to workers.

By utilizing the erroneous labor theory of value and an irrational epistemology, Marx evaded the crucial role a capitalist plays in the production process. The capitalist or entrepreneur surveys the market, identifies an unmet need, creates a product or service to fulfill that need, hires workers, secures financing, develops a business structure, manages production, oversees marketing and accounting, deals with customers, handles legal issues and makes sure the enterprise runs profitably. The responsibility of intense, sometimes painful thinking required to start a business from scratch and deliver products or services to ever-wider markets year after year falls squarely on the capitalist or entrepreneur. This is what Karl Marx evaded.

The labor theory of value is erroneous because it does not take into account consumer preference. It makes little difference if a product is priced according to its labor input. If consumers are not willing to pay that price or do not want the product, then no sale will occur. Marx focused exclusively on the product without regard to consumer needs, desires and ability to pay for the product.

With this error embedded in classical liberal ideology, classical liberals hit a dead end and abandoned liberalism. The progressive movement arose early in the twentieth century in America and it echoed the political philosophy of Karl Marx: namely the hatred of "exploitative" capitalists and "greedy" businessmen. By mid-century the progressive movement transformed into the new left and adopted the liberalism name.

Today, modern liberals uphold the Marxian antipathy toward wealth creation, entrepreneurial success, business and the economic individualism of laissez-faire capitalism. Modern liberals believe it is proper to seize wealth from entrepreneurs and businessmen but they think it is improper to earn wealth. They are staunch advocates of redistribution schemes including progressive taxation, central-bank credit expansion and compulsory Social Security that epitomizes the welfare state.

In short, modern liberals perpetuate the errors of Karl Marx. Their actions consist of using the police power of government to subjugate "exploitative" capitalists and "greedy" businessmen. Thus they righteously advocate the government takeover of the economy and the political incarceration of successful businesspeople including the Michael Milkens of the 1980s, the Rueben Sturmans of the 1990s and the Martha Stewarts of the 2000s. You can bet that modern liberals have their eyes focused upon Trump, Dell and Gates.

Yet the Capitalism Party flushes modern liberals down the sewer of irrelevance as it clean-sweeps America with a proper approach to value, prices, money and exchange. The Capitalism Party does not uphold the erroneous labor theory of value advocated by Karl Marx or even the subjective theory of value advocated by Ludwig von Mises. Instead, the Capitalism Party upholds an objective theory of value developed by Dr. M. Northrup Buechner who teaches economics at St. John's University.

In 1871 Carl Menger provided a rational solution to the problem of value. He called it the marginal theory of value. Unfortunately the German Historicists overpowered Carl Menger, rejecting Menger's achievement while attacking him personally. After a decade of battles, Menger gave up in despair. He never developed his economic theories into a mighty system for application and his work fell into obscurity.

A bright young socialist named Ludwig von Mises encountered Carl Menger's work and was transformed by it. However, Mises did not accept Menger's intellectual base of Aristotelian realism; Mises retained his Kantian subjectivism. Thus Mises developed Menger's work but went in a subtly wrong direction, saying that value is totally subjective, completely arbitrary. This is called the subjective theory of value. Mises and his followers erred in the realm of value by solely focusing on the consumer while ignoring the product. This is seen in Mises' claim that the consumer is king.

The Capitalism Party unites both the product and the consumer -- the means and the end -- to assert that value is objective. And from objective value arises objective prices. In fact, market prices are objective prices because market prices -- the prices at which items sell -- take into account product supply, consumer demand, market competition and other factors influencing price.

Hence the Capitalism Party upholds objective value, prices and money along with free banking and exchange. The only role the federal government will play in society consists of enforcing contracts, prosecuting criminals and protecting society from foreign aggressors. This means the government under a Capitalism Party administration gets out of the way -- laissez faire -- so individuals can produce and exchange goods and services without any outside interference.

During the 1930s Franklin Delano Roosevelt crippled the American economy with fascist labor laws, price controls, progressive taxation, suspension of specie payment, confiscation of citizens' gold, nationalizing industries and politicizing the Supreme Court. FDR took drastic actions to socialize America during the 1930s. The Capitalism Party will take equally drastic actions but in an opposite direction. The Capitalism Party will cut through socio-fascism with an intellectual chain saw -- cutting the limbs, branches, trunk and roots of socialism -- leaving a wide-open field for anyone and everyone to jump into the marketplace rather than stagnating on the government dole.

The Capitalism Party is rattling statists left, center and right -- politicos who rule in the name of Marx or Christ. This is shaking up people as evidenced by the reaction of the following politician who encountered an introduction to the Capitalism Party revealed below.

"This little essay annoys me very much. I am motivated by my Christian beliefs. That is what guides me. I try at all times to do whatever seems required of one who bases his ethics on the Bible. I am offended by this essay. I am offended that this group either has no moderator or, if there is a moderator, the moderator is a fraud, pretending to be promoting American liberal ideas when merely serving to ridicule American liberal ideals. I urge anyone in this group who is a liberal or a Democrat or a Christian or a Kerry supporter to leave the group right now. If the moderator decides to ban the person who just now left this insulting and bogus essay on Marx or Christ, then the moderator can email me and I will come back. But I am right now deleting myself."

Who Will Win: Marx or Christ?

Federal prosecutor Barbara Olsen knew Hillary Clinton well when she was America's First Lady. According to Barbara Olsen, Hillary Clinton is a congenital liar and views people as incapable of making their own decisions. Hillary seems to think people require an external authority to make their decisions. According to Barbara Olsen, Hillary considers herself to be that external authority.

Hillary has made her home in New York and is a United States Senator. Now she can implement her radical agenda of left-leaning liberalism. With a brazen evasion of reality and a meticulous elimination of honesty, Hillary is able to transfer the natural rights and powers of individuals to the federal government. One day Hillary might control the federal government if she gets elected President of the United States. This is all the more threatening since her husband Bill Clinton recently announced his intention to become leader of the United Nations in 2006.

What is revealing about Hillary Clinton is her psychology. Her psychology epitomizes left-liberal social democrats including John Kerry, Al Gore and other staunch liberals. Classical liberals looked to reality and utilized honesty to form principles. But as bad philosophy swept western civilization 150 years ago, classical liberalism was abandoned in favor of Marxian socialism. In America Marxism took the form of populism and progressivism, which later transformed into modern liberalism.

Today modern liberals seek to implement Gramsci's refined version of Marxism. That means modern liberals seek to undermine private property and capitalist elements in favor of the central economic planning of socialism. Remember Hillary's program for healthcare? John Kerry proposed a similar version of healthcare. His program of government takeover of healthcare would cause shortages of medical treatments like the Clintons' intervention in healthcare has caused.

Liberals are not motivated by reality, logic and honesty. They have one implacable goal: the replacement of capitalist elements with socialism whereby central planners in Washington dictate business decisions and citizens' actions.

When modern liberals speak in public, they unwittingly reveal their ideological ties to the most heinous people. As an example, during his 2004 presidential campaign speeches John Kerry talked about emasculating the war on terror, withdrawing troops from the Middle East, socializing healthcare, mandating healthcare for all children, prosecuting businesses for "price gouging" and shackling businesses with price controls in the form of an elevated minimum wage. This kind of government takeover of society and the economy is supposed to bring about peace and prosperity.

Upon doing some intellectual genealogical research, it becomes clear that modern liberals epitomized by Hillary Clinton and John Kerry have their ideological roots in Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto. That same manifesto gave rise to Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Hussein, Chong-il and other leftist commies.

It should be obvious that Hillary and Kerry cannot call for an outright overthrow of the productive class in America. Instead, they work in a quasi-secret manner by employing a process of gradualism -- always moving America away from capitalism and toward socialism and fascism. After a century of this technique, which was mastered by the Fabian Society, America has become a government-controlled, mob-ruled social democracy. With a little more prodding the USA can be transformed into the USSA: the United Socialist States of America. That is the hidden agenda of modern liberals.

Hillary Clinton has made New York her new home and understandably so. New York State is one of the most liberal states in America. It attracts numerous statists while driving away entrepreneurs and business owners. This has been the case for decades.

But to Hillary's dismay, something totally unexpected arose. That something is a new movement that is the antithesis of modern liberalism. In fact it is supremely capitalistic. It is the Capitalism Party and it is based in New York -- right in Hillary's own backyard.

Enough about liberals; what about conservatives? George W. Bush is the epitome of a political conservative. Other high-profile conservatives include John Ashcroft and Rush Limbaugh. What is the psychology of conservatives?

Conservatives seek to maintain tradition and the status quo. The ideological base of conservatives is not the Communist Manifesto. It is much worse. The ideological base of conservatives is the Holy Bible. This mixing of religious commandments with politics is worse than the socialism advocated by liberals. Why?

During George W. Bush's presidential campaign debates and speeches, he openly and brazenly attributed man's freedom to God. What does this mean in practical terms? It means an ineffable being gives man his rights and freedoms. Since that being called God is unknowable and indescribable and ultimately indefensible, man's rights and freedoms also are indefensible. All that is needed to sacrifice man's rights is a handy expedient such as war or natural catastrophe or calls for public service.

Conservatives believe man's rights and freedoms require faith. They say you need to have faith in God or Christ. If you do, you will understand God's graciousness and know that he wants men to be free. Such an arbitrary position cannot withstand the rigors of logic.

From the religiosity of conservatives such as George W. Bush flow religious laws and government controls. For example, Bush is against abortion on the grounds that the fetus is God's creation. Hence it is sinful to destroy God's creation. Another example is Bush's prohibition of embryonic stem cell research. Bush opposes embryonic stem cell research because he is against killing God's creation to save potential lives in the future.

Then there is Bush's faith-based initiative that seeks to break the separation of church and state by providing federal funding for religious organizations. And more significantly, Bush and the religious rights in power are appalled at dismantling the religious-left regime in Tehran: the #1 state sponsor of terrorism. So the Bush administration targeted the secular regime of Saddam Hussein in neighboring Iraq rather than confronting the theocracy of Iran. Saddam was a potential threat to America but the Ayatollah-controlled Iran has been a real threat to "Great Satan" America since 1979. More urgently, the religious state of Iran could have a nuclear bomb in a couple years from its nuclear reactor.

Political conservatives are grounded in religious mysticism. This is an unstable base upon which to run a nation -- especially the most powerful nation on earth. And remember, the 9/11 attack on America also was grounded in religious mysticism: the will of Allah.

In summary, left liberals are Marxian socialists rooted in the Communist Manifesto while right conservatives are Christian religionists rooted in the Holy Bible. Centrists simply are noncommittal pragmatists. Who did you vote for on November 2, 2004: Marx or Christ? Fortunately now you can vote for capitalism at www.capitalismparty.org

The Ultimate Good

The ultimate good does not come from God or government; nor can it be redistributed by the welfare state. It can arise only in a totally free market. Ironically, no one wants the ultimate good; everyone works to undermine it each day. It is the most feared and detested thing known to man. The ultimate good is something no one has. It will be attacked, ridiculed, flamed, fought against -- but it cannot be stopped.

If a Capitalism Party president is elected into office, he will uproot socio-fascism from the American polity. Then as capitalists, entrepreneurs, businesspeople and researchers realize they are totally free, they will do the rest. They will spread the ultimate good to every American and then to all people on earth. What is the ultimate good? The ultimate good is human immortality -- the cure for death -- immortal life in the flesh, here on earth, for every citizen alive today and forever into the future.

The ignorant mentality that condemns human immortality because of overpopulation, environmental, religious or Social Security concerns will get left behind. Rising beyond the nonsense of earth's mystical world will be a capitalist civilization reaching out from planet earth into the immortal cosmos. Scintillating beauty, captivating romance, glamorous wealth and superb well-being will be available to every rational person on earth -- forever.

Someday readers might tell their grandchildren, "I remember when people lived to die and actually murdered each other. All that changed with the birth of the Capitalism Party. God could not compete against the power of unchained capitalism and thus got left behind as did religionism, socialism, fascism, parasitism, criminality and war. The Capitalism Party unleashed a torrent of productive energy like Einstein's Relativity unleashed a torrent of atomic energy. Biotechnology breakthroughs came fast and relentlessly. The next thing I knew mankind was immortal with perfect, non-aging health. At that point I realized the insanity of living to die. Like having a bad dream, humanity needed to wakeup and actualize its potential. The Capitalism Party was the wakeup call everyone needed."

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