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  1. Here in Michigan there used to be a talk show host called Mark Scott. He was heavy into Ayn Rand and each show was hardcore. Unfortunatly he died about three months ago. William
  2. I think you'r'e right, people in the U.S. should have protested that, but I'm not sure if steroid-based compounds are vital to a persons health although I could be wrong. The EU directive banning dietary supplements includes things such as Vitamin E, Calcium, Brazilian Nuts and trace minerals. That just seems troubling to me. William
  3. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I think this is more diabolical that people think. There is one loop-hole when it comes to state-controlled health care and that is people taking charge of their health by taking dietary supplements. Now that they are banned in Europe, the government can better control the population and decide who lives or dies. And it will put companies that make multi-vitamins out of business. Also some peole are saying that the passage of CAFTA will bring the same restrictions to the U.S. but I don't know how accurate that is. I have no idea why people in Europe aren't protesting about this. William
  4. EU laws on sale of vitamins 'valid' 12 July 2005 http://www.thisislondon.com/news/articles/...ource=PA%20Feed Controversial new European laws which could outlaw thousands of vitamin and mineral supplements were upheld by European Court judgesy. The European Court of Justice rejected British health food industry claims that the proposed Food Supplements Directive, coming into force on August 1, breaches EU rules. The surprise decision goes against an opinion delivered by the same court's advocate-general in April, advising that the rules should be scrapped because they contravene basic EU principles of "legal protection, legal certainty and sound administration". The judges countered that the proposed arrangements, designed to tighten controls on the growing market in products sold under the health food heading, can go ahead as planned. Health food companies have to submit natural remedies, vitamin supplements and mineral plant extracts - many of them in long-established regular use in a £300 million-a-year market in the UK - for approval and inclusion on a list of recognised food supplements. The judges backed the move saying: "A 'positive list' system is appropriate for securing the free movement of food supplements and ensuring the protection of human health."
  5. Jesse Jackson I would say that Jesse Jackson fits the bill here. Notice the name of his radio show is called "Keep Hope Alive." The word 'hope' is included in order to keep his listeners in a state of purgatory. For some reason I feel he doesn't say things like "onward and upward" to his listeners. Deepak Chopra The master of deception himself. A wanna-be savior with an itch for swindling, and a pro at manipulation. He tells people not to be materialistic from his 2.1 million dollar house. I heard him on a late night radio show describe how great things are in Cuba because people socialize more. He's written over 70 books which tells me words come cheap for him. William
  6. Another link with more details Life Extention Foundation http://www.lef.org/news/LefDailyNews.htm?N...ContinueReading
  7. >Do you have a source for this info. you could link to? I'm interested in knowing what the alledged "reasoning" behind such a directive would be.< Yeah, here is all I have so far from the Life Extention Foundation and the Alliance For Natural Health LEF http://www.lef.org/featured-articles/emerg...date_020705.htm ANH http://www.alliance-natural-health.org/ind...ion=news&ID=138
  8. Has any of you heard of this? There's going to be a ruling in June as to whether they will ban 75% of vitamin and minerals currently on market. I believe one of them is vitamin E, which is ridiculous. Apparently this will serve as a working model for a global trade standard for whats called the UN’s Codex Alimentarius Commission; which will affect the U.S. This scares me because if you factor in state controlled health services, then they have the power to decide if you live or die. William
  9. So far I've read: Atlas Shrugged The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution Philosophy: Who Needs It? The Virtue of Selfishness Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal I'm going to start reading "Introduction to Objectivist Epistomology" but I think I may wait a few days because I'm suffering from a little burn out. I think I may read "The Romantic Manifesto" last. William
  10. I just thought I'd give a brief introduction. Although I have had most of Ayn Rand's fiction and non-fiction books for a few years, I've just now began studing them and its a real eye-opener. I plan on continuing my studies as well as posting here periodically. I'm glad I found this forum. William
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