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Objectivism Online Forum


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Everything posted by xOraclex

  1. The only person I am completely sold on as portraying a character in the movie is Derek Jacobi as Dr. Stadler. Other than that I could see Bale as Rearden or Galt. Russell Crowe as Rearden Pitt as Ragnar. Heath Ledger probably could have pulled of Ragnar as well. Uma Thurman would do well as Lillian. Dagny? That's tough. I'm not sure beyond that.
  2. a few of my favorite bands are Otep, Kittie, Lamb of God, and A Perfect Circle.
  3. The one w/ the black hair Morgan Lander. Lead singer for the band Kittie. Her physique, her face, her voice, her talents, her personality... just all of it. I'm not sure how else to explain how attractive I find her. I stare and am a bit short of breath when I'm around her. She is a gorgeous woman.
  4. I have read The Fountainhead and Anthem as well as a few short readings by Ayn Rand. Objectivism states that ethically man is an end in himself and that he should pursue his own self-interests. If he wishes to reach a level of authority and in this level of authority (in a political, business, etc. atmosphere) he takes actions in pursuit of his own interest that, consequently, take away rights of others and perhaps infringes on their freedom to pursue their self-interests, is he justified in his pursuit by the ethics of objectivism?
  5. out of the authors on this poll that i've read... David and Leigh Eddings The Redemption of Althalus by them is a really good book.
  6. ^I'm sensing some personal hostility. Calm yourself. As with all philosophies, each individual can take a different perspective on them. I'm not attempting to spread ideas, I am stating my own. I do not feel that it violates any sort of rule here. Actually, it allows for others to counter my views with objecitivist philosophy that they feel opposes my statements. Total freedom for the sake of no one's rights being infringed upon allows for people to do things that infringe upon others' rights. I feel total capitalism would allow for this. Moral questions can be answered in a moral or immoral way. I shall check up on the rule about the number of sites I am allowed in my signature and I will act accordingly. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
  7. Not to worry if you feel a bit aggressive in stating your points or questioning mine. It's all in the spirit of debate. As long as we maintain respect for one another I have no issue with these discussions.
  8. Let me preface this by saying that I am a rather cynical individual. People abuse their freedoms. There's no doubt in my mind that in a purely capitalist state we would dive into a world of mass, open corruption. The moral choices that individuals in power make and would make would lead to a multitude of problems for the workers. Lifting government restrictions and laws would allow for these things to acceptably occur. Government intervention (not control)- as far as basic laws that protect worker's rights from being violated- is important to ensure a better balance among classes.
  9. no, no, no... i meant i disagree with full capitalism. my apologies for the not being clear with that last post.
  10. I'm not confused so much as I just disagree. Though, I'm open to persuasion.
  11. I will consider your points. However, I am aware of the contradiction in the last part. Money has the ability to corrupt individuals. They can easily get swept up in overwhelming greed that leds them to indulgences that do not really benefit them. They have a right to these things, no doubt, but that doesn't mean that their choices are always the greatest ones. They have a right to spend their money on an overwhelming amount of useless possessions, but why should they when that wealth could be very much needed but others. I disagree with the choices these individuals make but not the principal behind their right to make these choices. Yes, the way I presented it was paradoxical. Limits should be in place when those limits prevent things from occuring within a business that infringes upon the rights of the workers. That is what I was referring to in my mention of limits.
  12. "NEIN"- a song by Otep ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MY PAIN, MY PRIDE THESE SCARS ARE MINE MY PAIN, MY PRIDE THESE SCARS ARE MINE i will tell you a story, that's never been told i will tell you a secret, 5 lifetimes old ... my life has been a prison, a labyrinth built beneath the mountain of Tragedy. i'm a stain on the cloth. i'm just an after-thought. but i would die for this .... but through the veins of decay i'll remain to betray to live like Caesar. to die like Jesus. to build my own religion, no gods, no laws to celebrate pain forsaken & ashamed to watch them all, crawl beneath us ... on this bed of nails & regret dying of fevers, betrayal, & sweat I CRY ... [chorus] my organs are rotting, my enemies are plotting ... I AM MADE OF PAGES PARAGRAPHS & INSPIRATIONS PAPER GIRL, BURN THE WORLD, I PASS THE FLAME TO YOU!! MURDER MAYHEM HURT HER HATE HIM MURDER MAYHEM HURT HER HATE HIM MURDER MAYHEM HURT HER HATE HIM MURDER MAYHEM FUCK HER SLAY THEM!! [verse] my pain, my pride these scars are mine my pain ..... MY MISERY HAS BEEN FORMULATED INTO AN EQUATION OF NIEN MY SANITY WROTE A SUICIDE NOTE BUT ONE OF US IS ILLITERATE AND THE OTHER ... IS BLIND MY 1st ACT OF TREASON WAS PICKING UP A PEN MY 1st ACT OF LOVE WAS FINDING MYSELF AGAIN THE HARDEST THING TO DO WAS STANDING UP TO YOU NOW I'M OFF MY KNEES NOW YOU'RE BEGGING ME "PLEASE" I'M THE WOUND & THE WEAPON THE FRACTURE & THE FIST [chorus] my organs are rotting, my enemies are plotting ... I AM MADE OF PAGES PARAGRAPHS & INSPIRATIONS PAPER GIRL, BURN THE WORLD, I PASS THE FLAME TO YOU!! MURDER MAYHEM HURT HER HATE HIM MURDER MAYHEM HURT HER HATE HIM MURDER MAYHEM HURT HER HATE HIM MURDER MAYHEM FUCK HER SLAY THEM!! [outro] THAT STABBING IN YOUR HEART, THAT BLACK HOLE IN YOUR SOUL, SLOWLY RIPPING YOU APART .... THAT'S ME!!! THAT'S ME!!! SO LET IT BE WRITTEN, SO LET IT BE DONE! THE BRIGHTER THEY SHINE, THE DARKER WE BECOME!! VAE VICTUS! ABOMINATION!
  13. I shall look further into the topic. Yet, I will say that the wokrers do need to be protected. Laws are made for a reason and since the industrial revolution, various laws have been placed on business to help protect workers. Minimum wage laws, regulations of hours, child-labor laws, laws regarding fraud and other such things. I believe and a wide range of freedoms within business but of course there has to be limits. I agree with stating limits clearly in law and punishing offenders. In that sense, I am a bit socialist. As far as socialism goes in regard to the distribution of wealth, I simply believe that people have every right to be rich and do what they want with their wealth but I also so not see why one person would need like 20 cars and all of this excessive material possessions when someone just down the street could have just as much ambition and intellect but could be starving because of other circumstances. This is a bit digressive I know, but it paints the picture of how I view such matters regarding wealth.
  14. I'm not fully socialist. I feel a balance is needed. Some government intervention to help protect workers. Various legal boundaries and things of that nature. Basically, I just mean I'm not fully capitalist. I went to see a band called Otep. It was like a ritual catharsis. It felt like my physical being wasn't even present. I closed my eyes in the mosh pit and just moved as I felt the aggression of the music. I yelled the words and felt everything they implied just flowing through me. I knew I was getting slammed into the bar across the front of the stage but I didn't feel it. I have never before experienced anything like I experienced that night. It was difficult to leave it. When I try to recall I time when I felt better, I can not. I had a sense of belonging, it was almost spiritual.
  15. Thank you all for your welcomes. I apologize for the delay in my responding to this. I've been indulging in some emotional recovery after attending the best concert I have ever been too... but anyway... What I'm really interested in regarding objectivism is the virtue of selfishness aspect, a focus on the individual, etc.. I am not particularly sure about some of the other aspects of this philosophy- I am a bit of a socialist- however, I am not rejecting any of these points yet because I have not gained enough understanding on them for me to do so. I am hoping to pick up Atlas Shrugged within the next week. Yes, I am very interested in philosophy. I am very self-analytical and I feel philosophy helps me gain insight into myself by discovering just how I feel about the world around me. I claim no religion or particular philosophy as my belief structure. I have definate believes, parts of which are included in various philosophies. Different aspects of my believes I can find in different aspects of various religions and philosophies. I shall try to be mindful of my spelling from now on. Surely, I will make mistakes. Please, correct me when I do, I will take no offense.
  16. I'm more liberal than not. I am in some middle ground when it comes to socialism and capitalism. I feel that some governmental regulations are needed to help ensure the protection of the working class. Minimum wage laws and such are important. However, people do need freedom in the business world. A fully capitalist state is just as dangerous as a fully socialist state. I feel we need some kind of balance of the two in order to better ensure everyone's rights are kept in order. Perhaps a balance that leans more on the capitalist side. I do not feel that if everyone will be in some sort of pain free paradise if the world were indulging in liberal ideals. That's a rather concise statement of my views. Perhaps I will elaborate a bit at a later time.
  17. an advertisement banner that appeared on my deadjournal thank you for your welcome
  18. Some of Sylvia Plath's poetry is in my collection. The poetry that I love most tends to be lyrics to songs. The poetry of Dani Filth (from the band Cradle of Filth) is amazing. There is often a disturbing, often perverse, element to his poetry but it is so well written. My favorite lyrics by him are often the ones that serve as a brief story. He is a master of allusions to biblical figures. I am a huge fan of the poetry of Otep Shamaya, of the band Otep. It's full of emotion, symbolism, allusion, rhyme, and often serves as a call into action against the tyrannical forces one faces in life.
  19. This is in my list of my top three favorite novels ever. I am not catholic or any kind of christian in the denotative sense; however, I enjoy this literary artwork for it's fantastic inclusion of literary elements. John Ciardi's translation of this novel is what I have read. The poetic flow and rhyme scheme is pleasing to me. What captures me the most about this book is Dante's use of imagery and symbolism. His descriptions of what is contained in each circle of hell provides me with a vivid mental image of the horrors he is trying to project. The symbolic meaning of what occurs in each level of hell being so finely tuned that the punishment is perfectly fitted to the crime, so to speak, makes me sigh in reverence for his genius. Has anyone else read this book or any of the other parts of Dante's Divine Comedy? What do you think of these masterpieces?
  20. I have read the novel and it quickly became one of my favorites. I have only seen about 2 mins. of the opening scene of the movie. Hopefully, I will soon by able to view it entirely. The book sent me into about a week of questioning with myself about some of the concepts of truth that were present in the novel. In the end when Winston is being "tortured" and truth is being discussed, it is stated that truth is only what the mind determines it to be. This made me question what people may be able to influence upon others simply because we believe what we learn and experience. Look at the influence of propaganda and how successful that can be. Surely there is external truths, physical elements that exist in a manner our thoughts could not alter, however, the way in which we think about these external elements is dependent upon what we learn. We learn everything with a predisposed bias. These basic thoughts sent me on a downward, yet digressing, spiral of pessimistic thought which I would rather not go into in detail at this time due to the extensiveness of it as well as the sick feeling such thought imposes on me. Just wanted to put in my comments.
  21. I went into my school library about a week and a half ago in search of something new to read and asked my librarian if she had any recommendations. She handed me a copy of The Fountainhead. I must say that I find this book quite amazing. I read some and then am forced to stop for awhile in order to contemplate the world around me. Any book that forces me into hours of reflection earns my reverence. I am pleased that I was provided with this book to read and wish to read more by Ayn Rand. I found a link to this forum earlier today and felt the need to partake in discussion as I have found truths in Rand's objectivist philosophy. Hello all, my name is Sara.
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