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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. Republican lawmakers are now receiving death threats from the peaceful protesters.
  2. This monster shouldn't ever see the light of day. He had the boy's bones in his house, and he shellacked them! They were a trophy!
  3. Yes! Someone else who "gets it!"
  4. Say that about my girlfriend standing in front of me.
  5. I'm so sorry. We just aren't your intellectual equals. We be skeered.
  6. But these are just conservative talking points. Did you get your DNC Talking Points Bulletin today?
  7. If you don't post for six months, we'll alert the authorities as to what general area you bones might be recovered from, if worse comes to worse. That is, if the animals haven't scattered them.
  8. Pretty obvious someone here doesn't have much wilderness experience, eh?
  9. Doesn't help we are using a good portion of our corn crop for the useless, government subsidized ethanol program (ethanol actually reduces fuel milage O.o).
  10. Wrong. A dictatorship wields power, through force, without the consent of the governed. This in no way is a legitimate government. Rights may exist theoretically, but they can be taken away by a gang with guns. Only when the citizens are in control, through a legitimate, rights recognizing system,i.e., a republican form of governance, can rights be secured.
  11. Heck, when it referred to our system of government as a "democracy," I knew I needn't read further.
  12. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." Seems some dead old white guy disagrees.
  13. Although the proper function of meditation is to discipline the mind, creating focus. That is how I utilized it in martial arts.
  14. Just as long as we don't have O'ists voting for Obama again!
  15. Eisenhower warned us about the dangers of a "military/industrial complex." He has proven correct.
  16. This seems to be a bill to protect an individual who would use deadly force in the defense of an innocent against death or severe bodily injury, with the caveat that threatening the life of a pregnant woman's' child is held to be as great a threat as threatening the life of an adult or child that has already been born. I see no way that this could be used as some sort of defense by someone who would murder an abortionist. No judge or jury in their right mind would accept such a defense as viable. I think you are reading something into this bill that is not intended.
  17. It was Thomas Jefferson who sent the Navy and Marines "to the shores of Tripoli" to rout the pirates operating in the area, which was playing havoc with our shipping. Was this wrong on his part? I don't think so. Egypt is strategic, in that the Suez canal is vital to commerce and the free flow of oil. The danger we are in now is that in the inevitable chaos following Mubarak's departure, the Muslim Brotherhood could rise to power and create an Islamic Republic hostile to our interests, as happened in Iran after Carter *spits on ground* pulled the rug out from under him.
  18. Bush saddled the Socialist horse that Obama is now riding. I have no particular love for him or what he did during his presidency. I don't know what you're on about other than to "prove" that Objectivism is "right wing" whatever that entails and for whatever purpose you have in your mind.
  19. Yes, it's evil. Continuing to fund unconstitutional programs by coercing hard earned money out of citizens by threat of force to give to others as an unearned benefit is the epitome of evil. The first part of your post is not even worth a response.
  20. It has been proposed that the US cut back our industrial output to a level that would take us back to the 1850s, while China and India are exempt. I don't think so.
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