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0096 2251 2110 8105

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Everything posted by 0096 2251 2110 8105

  1. There should be a rule in the forum for innacurate and misleading topic titles.
  2. I thought this topic was going to be about intuition.
  3. Uh... I know I got late, but isn't it actually the pharaoh's fault? Of course he is responsible for this guy's awful conditions. He is leading a monarchy!
  4. I found this clip of Leonard Peikoff that I had never ever seen before, and was wondering if any of you knew its source. Thanks.
  5. I think you should use the search button.
  6. I really don't see where you are trying to get here. Would you mind at least posing a question?
  7. Wait... What? Vomit? Seriously? I thought the movie was terrible, but I don't see anything wrong with the cinematography. What exactly you think is so wrong with it?
  8. Well, now I've seen it all. http://www.nationalpost.com/news/story.html?id=2923469 http://www.nileguide.com/blog/2010/04/19/e...al-human-right/
  9. Well, maybe if we had dedicated this whole thread solely to that painting from the very beginning we wouldn't had all this discussion in the first place. The thing is...that painting is merely one exception. Look at the rest of the gallery. It's filled with unintelligible smears from top to bottom, and they were listed at the beginning of this thread...almost thirty of them, and there are more. You have to look at the whole picture here, since that is what the topic is about.
  10. Oh my...I was actually thinking about this last night. I went to a party and they served chips or something, and this guy came and pretty much took hold of everything, without giving a damn about anyone else in the room. Everyone was so upset and started talking about how selfish he was and everything, but I was just looking for some other word. Maybe this isn't a good example, but I was basically looking for something to replace "irrational self-interest" too. Something that can also fit your examples.
  11. You missed the part where I said I wasn't going to discuss this again. I've addressed this topic here before...many many times. Look for it if you're any interested in finding out my answer.
  12. Thank you, that's a lot better. Well...first of all, I'd like to ask you what you mean by "left" here, since the term is so loosely defined that it's even hard to use. Also, when they "claim the USSR wasn't really leftist", are you using their definition of "leftist"? How would you explain the Israeli Kibbutzim? or Catalonia 1936-1939? or Nicaragua 1984? etc. If you're speaking of communism...well, I'd say it hasn't even been tried by any standards which can be considered "communist" (as established by Marx and Engels) (that doesn't mean it works) but I really don't want to have this discussion again (you can look for some of my previous comments on that if you like) I recall Rand saying that one should avoid Hayek at any cost, but I'll look for it. Thank you. I'd love to watch it.
  13. Not...again... Would you please elaborate on this? I'm looking for a real answer, not just some dismissive and condescending proof by assertion.
  14. Hmm, I wish I could ask him, but all it says is this: "you have to obtain permission—read: navigate a labyrinth of red tape—from the work’s copyright holder. Every appropriation is presumptively a misappropriation." This sort of thing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collage I don't know if one could call them "arguments." I was just giving some highlights, but you should try reading the article (it's very short) to get them in context, if you like. Probably they'll make more sense that way.
  15. I was given this article: CC Talks With: Illegal Art (almost at the bottom) about some modern art exhibition called "Illegal Art", and was asked to write an essay for my copyright class, analyzing the validity of their arguments while establishing a relation between ethics and legislation. Let me highlight some of the main points: What do you think of these arguments? I would assume this is all rationalizing thief, but I'm not well acquainted with copyright laws, so I'm not very sure. How does copyright work with all these activities (collages, fan fiction writing, etc.)? Is the exhibition infringing any copyright restrictions, even if they don't profit from it? These are some of the works:
  16. Well, your vote is secret, so probably this isn't going to work for him, but maybe he is just trying to make a statement, which is great. I wish there was a way to find out who voted for whom.
  17. Hmm right...of course, you were exaggerating. Tell you what, Black Wolf, how about saying something like: "Hey everyone, I'm not going to mean anything in particular when I speak, so don't take my words any seriously!" before responding? Just so, you know, we don't even have to waste our time playing this "let's all try to figure out what Black Wolf actually meant" cool guessing game of yours, m'kay? No, sorry, I mean like...all the time, not just to me, but to other members as well...you love to hit & run Black Wolf. So? I could've lied and say I live in the U.S., what difference does it make? Hmm? I'd still mean all that I said. If I had said "someone's" instead of "my", how does that even affect my actual argument Black Wolf? How exactly? I mean, it's all the same to me. Don't you think? And anyways, where did I even say I didn't live in the U.S?? I said I wasn't U.S. American. So...where does that leave your argument? Oh, but relax, I actually don't live there (but I have, though.) And another thing, I don't have to "pretend" (as if I did) you're advising me in order to examine your arguments, Black Wolf. Not me, not anyone. If you don't want this to happen, then send him a PM with all your good advices, and there, problem solved. Ah, an old-time favorite. "Do you speak any French, Bob?" "Oh, but of course! I speak it like a native!" "Oh, that is great, because I really need to know how to say 'happy birthday' in French" "What?? Oh, well, if you don't know how, then I can't tell you. Listen, uh...I don't have time for this right now, I have..things to do, BYE" Very convenient, Black Wolf, as always. However, just in case, let's analyze this for a moment, m'kay?...I firstly asked you about your very mouth-filling statement, and asked you to please elaborate if you were being any serious about your words (of course you weren't) or whatever, to which you replied by saying that you did elaborate, merely giving a fallacious proof by assertion, forcing me to ask again, and then you ended up suddenly saying yes, that you were only trying to sound all inspirational and dramatic, that your words didn't have any clear and precise meaning, that they meant "something else." Well, that in the real world, Black Wolf, is accepting the statement. Don't you think? Oh, but you can answer the questions if you like. Go ahead.
  18. What? Did you even read any of the countries I just mentioned? Get shot? Wear a burga? What are you talking about? Would you please indicate from the above those countries where any of the things you said is true? And please don’t just evade the question, as you usually do. BTW, the context you’re giving here is that of America being a dictatorship. I’m not a U.S. American, but I’d be more than glad to live in any of the above, any time. Those are some of the top-rated “freest” most developed countries in the world. I can surely acknowledge that the U.S. was a magnificent and ideal nation once, but I don’t see what the huge indisputable absolutely evident superiority is today. America is being destroyed, and its famous reputation as the freest best country in the world now rests on its, as i said, "borrowed past liberties" meaning, the remnants of its early and forgotten former principles of liberty which are being ruthlessly neglected, ignored and dishonored every day. And if I’m being fussy about the semantics, it’s because you denied what you are now just accepting and emphasizing above when I asked you about the meaning of your statement.
  19. Oh, I see you edited your comment, you know, to make it all "clever" and everything. Well that is tremendously amusing Black Wolf, as always, nevertheless...I recall you originally asking where, so I'd probably say mostly around northern Europe, probably Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, also Iceland, maybe New Zealand, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, or somewhere around the Scandinavian region, also Panama and some other "3d world" countries that are tend to be overlooked. I'm aiming for a place where I can make a successful living, enjoy good conditions and be happy, not some sort of laissez faire Atlantis, and many of these places perfectly allow me to do so, even more so if America becomes this dictatorship you mention. Yeah? Probably...for the moment, in terms of freedom of speech and state coercion, but how close exactly? There is no such laissez faire country, not even close. America's renowned freedom is living on borrowed past liberties and success. There's not "much" difference by now with some of the countries that I mentioned really, and it's getting smaller every day. But you can stay and fight and all that. No, sorry, you didn't. What do you even mean by "sanity"? How does a country as such ensure my mental balance? How on Earth is this my "last hope"? Do you plan to go all (literally) crazy and demented when your country participates in the Kyoto Protocol, or when Obama gets away with his health care plan? I mean, I really have to assume you're only trying to sound all inspirational and rhetorically dramatic here, but if you say you're not, then please explain, go on.
  20. Somewhere else? Europe is great, even if America isn't a dictatorship, it has so much to offer. No country in the world is laissez faire, so I think you're aiming for a little too much. What? Could you please elaborate? You must be only trying your literary skills here.
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