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Everything posted by Dynamite

  1. Well, the first thing that I recommend is for you to select a primary productive purpose. That is, choose a career that you love and aim to achieve it. This will enhance your self esteem, and actually make you happy; it has in my case. I have found difficulties whilst pursuing my chosen career, but the major benefit is the fact that it has give my life a direction. That is I no longer feel that I have been cast adrift in the world. The second thing is to take long breaks from the media especially the news, which portrays a negative view of life. I usually read my news online, but it sparse quantities. I don't need to watch it; the world will still be here tomorrow whether I watch it or not. This way you begin to pay attention to how you feel more. Although my life is far from perfect. The fact that I haven't given up in the face of often overwhelming adversity, has endowed me with a certain level of maturity and pride. All the best.
  2. Are you're saying that the definition of evil depends of what you hold as your standard of value, and thus not objective? Then what if you hold the wrong standard, or a standard of value that is evil, is its opposite evil (the good) in that case? I've come to rightly accept that evil is solely that which is destructive to human values. Man's life (qua man) is the standard of value that a rational person needs to hold, if he wants to live. PS: I'm not trying to be a smart ass, even though I may come across as one. All the best.
  3. A primary characteristic of an evil person is that he hates existence, almost as much as he hates himself. He seeks to obtain the benefits of the good, whilst simultaneously trying to destroy it. Although an evil person is powerless without the good, he can certainly make life a living nightmare for him, due to the relentless drive to destroy for the sake of destroying, which is really just a cry for someone to end their existence. You don't have to look very far to recognize it. It is all around us. I only wish that it didn't have to be this way; I'd be a lot more productive and happy if I didn't have to waste time fighting it.
  4. Although it doesn't make it right, the current system's way of doing things is so entrenched that it will be difficult to change, even though its practices are well known to some people. At the end of your video you mentioned what the solution should be, but what would it take to make it a reality, really? Good video, very informative.
  5. I found the forum posts interesting to read, especially from those who attempt to defend Rand and Capitalism; their responses are by far more logical and consistent than the rest.
  6. I agree with you that humans need to be guided by a philosophy. Most choose the religious route, while there are some who chose to wing it, by not choosing a specific system of principles, and hoping that they make the right choices. Not may people have the courage to step up the plate, and live rationally. Good analogy by the way.
  7. Thanks for the links Diana. The articles on Tod's blog are very informative.
  8. Dynamite

    Good day

    Well done. I think that you have done the right thing. Personally, I have decided to do the same, not too long ago. I feel empowered by the fact that I am respecting the intellectual property of the musicians. This is my way of giving them my support, and to purchase their music legitimately as well.
  9. I totally agree. In my experience, I find that to not to volunteer your values, either physical or intellectual to people who would use them against you, and hold you ransom as a result, is an appropriate response some of the time. When people who are evil don't receive the values that you might have volunteered, notice how they are 'stopped in their tracks'. They thus don't have the fuel to proceed further, and as a result are disarmed.
  10. I can relate to what you're saying here. The attitude that is usually expressed, in my experience is: "Why invest the time to make your body look appealing to others, when all you will get for your trouble is scorn. This certainly originates from thinking that people are innately malevolent, which can have wider repercussions on the pursuit of any other value.
  11. I don't know the answer to your question, but it is very Intriguing indeed. The applications of this technology would certainly improve the quality of life for the inhabitants of the Earth, mine included.
  12. From personal experience, I think that this is true. I find that you can always recognize the conformer from his or her lack of self-esteem and self-assurance, and from the fact the he or she normally has difficulty making decisions, and so would probably act in that manner out of fear for their survival. I have been called 'too independent' by a family member when ever I make a personal decision. This, to me implies that my family member sees individuality as a threat, and that I am not behaving appropriately (or conforming). There are other implications in regards to this, but I will not address them here. Great essay by the way. Very informative. Take care of yourself.
  13. Yes, I agree that once you are aware of the philosophy that guides your adversary's actions, you have the knowledge to formulate better solutions. The knowledge of having acted properly is often enough of a self-esteem booster. Great advice guys Thanks for taking the time.
  14. I understand what you're saying. Since I have accepted Objectivism as the philosophy to guide my decisions and actions, I always experienced fear in the face of evil and irrationality in my life. I think that it's mainly because I unconsciously think that an irrational person can't be reasoned with, and that he/she will exploit me if given the chance to do so, no matter what I do, and how I act. So, in order to thrive in the world, is it necessary to compromise your rational morality to the prevalent amorality of the people in the city that you live in? I also know that once you give in to evil, however minute, then you cease being rational, and cannot claim to be a moral person. What I'm really asking is how to shed this fear of irrationality and evil? Any advice will be appreciated.
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