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Hello to this messageboard's members.

-I am a video game designer, and plan to do that professionally. As of yet I've made next to no money from it but still consider myself in the learning phase of it. I've been designing games in some form or another for over a decade, and have run several online game design magazines. I went to Rutgers University where I studied biochemistry and psychology.

-I found this community via danielshrugged/ishalltriumph, who I've known on Livejournal for some time. He's been greatly valuable to me in the process of coming to understand Objectivism.

-I'm most interested in the Objectivist aesthetics (which makes sense due to being a game designer), but the other parts are great too.

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Right now, 1) the mechanics and nature of free will / volition and its relationship to causality; 2) how Objectivism as a whole works as a system (its organization and 'organics'), and 3) the parts of epistemology that Ayn Rand didn't get to finish writing about.

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Hi rinku! very intresting. What books are you reading? Have you heard of Leonards lecture on "Learning through Induction?" Are you talking about how the body is affected by the mind physically, or the higher mathmatics, in regard to the Epistemology?

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I've heard of the lecture but not been able to afford it since I'm poor. Also I have trouble discriminating spoken words so lectures that don't have transcripts would be hard to attend to.

For epistemology right now I'm working on figuring out what conceptucal common denominators (ccd's) are, whether they are related to concepts in general and if so how are they arrived at (for example, whether circular-ness is a ccd or not and if so how was it arrived at), on how percepts and objects work (for example, whether 'a stack of pennies' can be an object/percept or not), and also on figuring out the relationship between grammar and epistemology (for example, which elements of language are required by any communicatable language (a 'to be' verb, verbs and nouns in general) and which elements aren't or are optional (adverbs?)). The last one is probably the most important of the ones I'm interested in because my interest there isn't just academic, I'm working on a game that has a 'conceptual conversation system' (you talk to other characters by selecting picture-words and arranging them, similar to scrabble but with words instead of letters) and want to figure out how epistemology applies to such things as sentence construction, what are the most important words/concepts to include, arguments/debates, etc... Basically, Ayn Rand laid a good basis for epistemology with her theory of concepts, distinction between meaning and definition, and so on, but what I want is a theory of 'epistemological linguistics', an explanation of what all the different parts of speech mean cognitively -- even such things as punctuation -- such as the dash thing I am using now -- are those concepts? How about a period, an explanation mark, or a question mark? After I figure some of this out, I'll be able to make the game better.

What books I am reading: right now, mostly Russian writers (since the abovementioned game is set in Russia), Dostovesky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, etc.

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If you're looking for an exhaustive treatise on Objectivist epistemology, a book that covers everything from the phenomenon consciousness & sense-perception to the principles of logic & grammar, you're going to have a hard time time because I doubt think that such a book will be written and published within the next decade or so.

Anyways, welcome to the forum! :angry:

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