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Everything posted by Styles2112

  1. I just saw it last night. It was good, but entirely too long. Some of the fight scenes were pretty cool.
  2. Bah. There's much more than that, but I think I already listed them all in earlier in this thread.
  3. I was wrong about this book, they never actually come to America. According to my Father-in-law it is about capatalism, though. Family business. Called,"The Arms of Krupp" by William Manchester. I (for lack of reading it) cannot comment on whether it is good or not.
  4. Hmmm.... Anthem The Fountainhead Atlas Shrugged The Virtue of Selfishness And I'll let others finish that up.
  5. I forgot to mention that you're the other member whose posts I greatly enjoy reading. Sorry for that slip-up! Yeah...Right now it's third in my list of books. I'll be happy to get back to her fiction, as well. Right now I have to get through "Elderest" (Already started) and a book on running that my wife bought for me (I have to run for the Army, and I hate, and suck at, running.) After "The Fountainhead," I should probably read the book that my father-in-law lent me about a family that moved from Germany and became billionares through Capitalism. I'm not sure about it, though, as it's as long as "Atlas Shrugged" and about subjects I don't find terribly interesting. I just feel somewhat obligated, as he went through the effort to lend it to me. Although, I'm going to return the favor and lend him "Atlas Shrugged." And, I forgot to mention, one of my goals with music, is to bring the musicality of percussion to the forefront. Most people don't realize how musical percussion is and can be, and simply dismiss it as primitive pounding. I seek to change this view.
  6. Thank you. I have to say, since I've been here, I really enjoy reading your posts (along with AisA's). I definitely get a lot to think about, from my readings here.
  7. Okay, so I realized I never really did a formal introduction. I've never really been quite sure what to say, and how to say it. But, after a couple months of thought, I think I have what I want to say. I was introduced to Ayn Rand through one avenue, split into two. My Father got me into listening to Rush as an early teenager playing drums. I was thoroughly hooked, not only by the music but, by the lyrics as well. Knowing this, and knowing how I struggled with the social relationships and cliques of school, he gave me "Anthem", "The Fountainhead," and "Atlas Shrugged" to read. I read "Anthem" and it completely hooked me. All the things I felt in school and life were simply brought out in an ingenius writing style that completely floored me. Against my Father's better judgement, I read "Atlas Shrugged" before "The Fountainhead (which I've still yet to read)." Atlas took me close to 3 years to read (partly because of regular high school reading, and the fact that, well, the first 400 pages or so are really boring.) I finally finished Atlas while at my MOS training with the military, but was somewhat confused by it. It probably didn't get me, as much, because of my personal detachment from it, yet still found it an amazing book. I decided to check out more info on Ayn Rand as to where her ideas came from and whatnot, which led me to Objectivism and this particular site. This was also while I was in the process of reading "The Virtue of Selfishness," which I've only recently finished. I don't know if I'll ever call myself an Objectivist, and even 'student of Objectivism' might be a bit much for me, but I do intend to further my readings of Ms. Rand. And, for all intent purposes, I agree with all the major premises she puts forth (the minor disagreements I have with her, in the end, have no real bearing on Objectivism anyways). Despite other readings that I've placed upon myself (I've got a pile of books about 10 high right now, to read), I intend to read "The Fountainhead" soon, and will probably follow that up with either "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," or "The Romantic Manifesto." I'm not sure how much I'm interested in reading beyond that, but that's enough to last me the next couple years given my life situation. Which brings me to my next point. More about me. I'm 24 years old and married to a beautiful, intelligent (though, somewhat socialist-leaning) woman who works as an Occupational Therapist. We have our first child due in April, to which I'm ECSTATIC about, as I can't wait to show this world and its possibilities to our child. I work for an Army Band in both a civilian and military capacity, and I really enjoy my job (well, most days!). I play and LOVE percussion, and music in general. I enjoy writing both lyrics and music, and I hope that someday you might hear my music on the radio, or be inspired to buy my album (non-existant) when it comes out (i.e. I hope to be famous). I'm a big advocate of always doing challenging music and not writing/performing the status quo. I really want to find the next big "sound" in music. I was also raised on a farm (at one point with 14 horses, 3 dogs, 1 sheep, 13 chickens, and 30 some-odd cats) and am an avid animal lover (I just rescued a dog who was roaming the streets, and was going to be put down by the dog warden, because most people won't adopt a large random dog...and this guy is a very sweet and lovable dog. Which currently gives me two dogs, two cats and three horses, though two of the horses are with my parents until my wife and I can afford to get some property in CT or move somewhere where the cost of living isn't so high.) I also enjoy playing video games, playing/watching football, and watching "Bones" and "House" on TV. If you have any other questions about me, don't hesitate to ask, and I'll do my best to answer. Have a great one!!
  8. I don't know if it's actually "Dyslexia," but I will often say the opposite word of what I'm thinking (i.e. If I'm trying to say dishwasher, I'll say washing machine and vice versa). I also switch the first letters of certain words I'm using ( in the washing machine example, I'll say mashing washine). I'm not really sure why it happens, it just does on occasions (more often when I'm stressed.) it's funny that it comes out in typing, too.
  9. Indeed I did. Have I mentioned that I'm slightly dyslexic? Please feel free to adjust that as necessary.
  10. My only complaint about Eragon (other than one's that JMegansnow pointed out) is that... *SPOILER* well, sort of Towards the end of the book, Eragon seems to be taking on Altruistic goals. He begins to feel that he has to fight and save the people as his "Duty." Not because of any specific value assigned to it. That worries me a bit. The rest is very good.
  11. I apologize if my statement was made to sound like I was condemning all gamers. I was just saying that even once outside the game, that there were certain gamers at my school who couldn't let it go. It just seemed very weird to me. Indeed, and I think it's a great way to spend time. I want to get, from my parents, a "live" rpg called,"How to host a Murder." Basically, there's these set of games where you have couples come over (preferably dressed in period styles) and you act out this murder mystery with given cards and such. My parents did it once and it was really cool. I think I'd like to try it with my friends. As I also said previously, I'd wanted to get into the D&D stuff and the like for the reasons you specified above, but I just never did. Now, I just don't have time (Wife and incoming kid + Music + animals + video games takes away from most of my free time). I think it's cool that you enjoy doing it, though.
  12. Pointless for whom? By what standard? No, that would be a waste of their life and values. Time, really, has no bearing on it. Use of time reflects values, not waste.
  13. Which is, what I actually think. I just thought that the other ideas are entertaining.
  14. Just as long as you're not like the gamers at my college, who truly believed they were the character even after the game. I can still remember them sitting at lunch tables calling each other by their game names and discussing strategies. I like playing Pokemon, but I don't think I actually am a Pikachu! I'd always wanted to play some of those games but people like that scared me off. I always felt like it was some evasion of reality for them instead of a game. Now, I just don't have time for it (Plus my wife would just think I'm weird.)
  15. To a point. Animals, by standards here, are not able to think, yet they manage to "discover a source of food" that is not existing off of others. And if a non-thinking, non-conscious animal can do it, why can't a human? My real question, is about that determinism idea. This is a very interesting thread. What is it about the human mind that separates us from the rest of the laws of the world? Is conscious a natural or supernatural occurance? I just think that Felix brings up some interesting points, worthy of discussion. Since people talking about "Man's Nature." I was just curious as to what defined "Man's Nature." If Man's nature is predetermined, why wouldn't anything else about him be. If it's not, than each "Man" has a different nature, and must act according to his own individual nature, just as some animals in the world are producers and some are "moochers."
  16. I find this interesting, as a goverment worker. Apparently, as I understand it, the civilian military structure is unionized (at least in certain areas). The group that I work for in the Northeast has a bargaining unit. What I find interesting is that you don't have to be a member of the said union to be represented BY the union. Which, never really made any sense to me, but, oh well. I've found that there were certain things that the union achieved (workout times for mil-techs, leave time and such) and certain things that the union gets in the way of (job hiring, movement and purchases). For what it's worth, I don't see the benefits of the union work outweighing the negatives. But, then, I'm of the opinion that the military should be run like a military, and not like a civilian business. On the other hand, my father-in-law is a master welder (and VERY good at his job) and being union has allowed him to work even during hard times and keep a competative rate. But, then, he's also one of the few hard-working ethical people in the system. Seriously, the guys a workaholic. He turned a pile of rusty metal into a beautiful 1929 Model "T" car in just over a year. And that was on his OWN time. I wish I had that kind of skill.
  17. Half the stuff that my wife won't let me put it SHE GAVE ME (when we were dating of course, but apparently that changes with marriage). Can't have my blow up Packers coffee table out, my 1996 Super Bowl Packers team poster up. I really think these would improve the quality of the house. She says I can use them in the basement (which is unfinished, despite my efforts to make a music studio out of it.).
  18. Wow. That's amazing. I know we talk about Israel a lot, but I really think that the U.A.E is the model for the rest of the Middle East to follow. They've done a very good job of staying out of the stupid affairs of others and profiting from the increased business.
  19. I'd definitely be interested in hearing how it faired. I have this argument with my wife all the time.
  20. I don't think there can be a waste of time. Use of time always has some kind of value assigned to it. (i.e. thinking about stuff when a paper needs to be written.) There is however, a mis-use of time (i.e. when you turn in your paper late, or not at all, because you stayed up late and partied instead of writing your paper that was due.)
  21. What are the "Facts of reality?" The laws of Physics? All Sciences? Genetics? Do all men act within "Man's nature?" If they don't, why not? Are there other creatures/animals that act outside their "nature?" Is there more than one "nature" for a species?
  22. Hmmm...true. I would say "Tool" is really the only one that comes to mind, but even then....I have an extremely hard time giving it to them. I've heard good things about DillingerEscapePlan, but I've never listened to them. But, yeah, all the rest of the good music is underground or unknown. Though, I know plenty of drummers who'll disagree with even that. I just like the clean, tighter feel of Peart over Bonham, but they both could rock. Ha! I think it's a mix. The message of the piece should blend musically AND lyrically. It's interesting that my dad got me into BOTH Rush and Ayn Rand. Well, I could have gone on forever with pretty much all their songs. I just picked out the ones that stood out to me. Limelight is a great piece though. That entire album is, though, I do tend to find myself migrating to "Permanent Waves" more often than "Moving Pictures." What do you think of Dave Matthews Band (on a purely musical level)?
  23. That and Nor'easters. Nothing like 5 feet of snow in a 24 hour period to make the day (hey, at least its a day off from work.) All in all, it wouldn't be horrible, but even a light dusting makes CT roads unable to be driven on. They seriously need to take a lesson from NH, VT, ME and the northern Midwest states on how to plow roads. I feel safe only because I have a 4 wheel drive F-250, and even that won't save me all the time.
  24. which is also a similar/same premise behind Adam Sandler's "50 First Dates." Which is interesting. Though, with her (Drew Barrymore), it's a one day period.
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