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Everything posted by Shabby

  1. 1) A good owner needs to be able to deal with the press and the team image. 2) Not good PR for a football team. 3) D McNabb M Fox Crips N Bloods http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/estack_12...ure_.guest.html The other quotes are contained in the book that was mentioned before, I do not have a copy on hand but you can see the sources of the quotes in the back of the book. I don't have time to go further than that, if you want to believe Rush Limbaugh is a good guy, go for it. I'll keep my peace of mind after looking at some of the things he's said. Think about MJ and the Bulls, if you value your franchise player enough, it doesn't matter how long he's been gone. They chose Rodgers over Favre. Again, the same thing happened in St. Louis, but Warner is far less caliber QB than Favre... so this whole side disucssion has been pretty worthless.
  2. Public relations? A skill that kind of goes "poof" when you liken a game of the NFL to a "fight between Crips and Bloods without weapons". McCarthy had ever opportunity to re-sign Favre, but made a public statement saying that "Rodgers would be the new man". It was a distinct choice of Rodgers over Favre. A good one, too.
  3. Really? What attack was this?
  4. ... fees a bank's most profitable aspect? How about credit cards, home loans, etc? That's not even close to being true. Also, I know at Bank of America you can opt-out of overdrafting. It will decline your card for every transaction once you have overdrafted. If you can't manage your money, perhaps you should do that. The banks go from largest to smallest so that your mortgage payment doesn't get bounced while, as the above poster said, a candy bar purchase goes through.
  5. Rush doesn't have the skill set to own an NFL team. It's apparent as they dropped him from the race to own the Rams. This is just a poor understanding of how football franchises operate. The same reason holds true as to why the Packers got rid of Favre. They invested considerable money and time into Rodgers, and to continue using an old, declining quarterback would just make the rebuilding process take ten years instead of five. Teams shouldn't put lots of money into old super stars unless they have an immediate chance at the Super Bowl. They are rebuilding with a brand new head coach, mentality and a whole slew of rookies. This is just another issue of not understanding football.
  6. Yeah because he's so anti-establishment... my point exactly about pandering to the ignorant tin-foil wearing and angry citizens. You can look up all of these quotes and find the exact audio of what he said. If you'd like to ignore reailty, by all means... all of Limbaugh's listeners do. It's why even the GOP Chairman refuses to touch Limbaugh with a ten-foot pole. It's not the Leftists vs Limbaugh. I don't care for extreme leftists or the extreme right, especially not one like Limbaugh who has several times endorsed racist sentiments and said all of these things. Yet he only came up on the Limbaugh show because he was black.
  7. Those quotes are sourced on audio in the book and several places online (YouTube). If you want to ignore reality, by all means.
  8. I am a huge Dennett fan. In my opinion he's a better version of Dawkins, and definitely worth checking out more in depth. What works have you dipped your feet into?
  9. So... I don't know why this posted a million times. Please ignore.
  10. No, he wouldn't. Also, the Rams won a superbowl and fired a quarterback in order to build a franchise around a new QB. Warner hasn't done much since, besides a lucky trip to the Super Bowl. (Missed the playoffs every other year) He didn't, they didn't even really consider it they said "absolutely not." In the name of decency, here are some Rush Limbaugh quotes... let me know if you still think I'm "basing it purely in ignorance". "Why should Blacks be heard? They're 12% of the population. Who the hell cares." "I mean, let’s face it, we didn’t have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I’m not saying we should bring it back; I’m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark." Here's a few NFL ones... so you know why they would rather not have Limbaugh introduced into their club. "I think what we've had here is a little social concern in the NFL. The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. There is a little hope invested in McNabb, and he got a lot of credit for the performance of this team that he didn't deserve." "Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it." "He is exaggerating the effects of the disease. He's moving all around and shaking and it's purely an act. ... This is really shameless of Michael J. Fox. Either he didn't take his medication or he's acting. "Too many whites are getting away with drug use...Too many whites are getting away with drug sales...The answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them, and send them up the river, too." ... then he admits in 2003 that he is one of those "getting away with it". The man is a complete imbecile that thrives off of this kind of talk to pander to the ignorant. People that are angry with the world eat out of his hand without really hearing what he says.
  11. I swear I only clicked it once.
  12. It's used in France to indicate the Holy Trinity. Seems like a pretty perfect symbol. If Rush weren't Rush (a hot-headed, idiotic pundit) he'd have a chance at getting a team. I'm glad he's not getting my hometown team.
  13. If there were regulations in place, none of these would happen, especially not the latter. Sure, a regulatory committee will make mistakes and things will collapse, but the committee would generally catch any use of poor quality materials, where in a Randian utopia there would be nobody to catch it. I know I certainly can't tell poor quality materials from sturdy materials with a cursory overview. This is why government regulation works in this regard. You never demonstrated how this is so, how would a person be divorced from the safety of buildings by regulating the safety of buildings? A system is not at fault for the corruption of it's own mechanics. This has nothing to do with the evils of regulation, but everything to do with the lazy, corrupt people that operate the system. This is just a terrible misrepresentation of what happened in the "banking crisis". It seems to me that you are blaming regulation for the shady practices that are behind this whole mess. What you conveniently failed to mention, is how that countries who have stronger regulations in place (i.e. Canada) are not in the same mess that we are because of their regulations. Isn't it weird how the companies with heavier regulations seem to be avoiding the brunt of this mess? Yet somehow... regulations are evil. Interesting.
  14. You must have misunderstood Kant, because Kant never said anything about using "feeling" as a means to achieve a metaphysical truth. You should perhaps re-read Critique of Pure Reason. C.S. Lewis is a horrible philosopher, his "Lord, Liar, or Lunatic" argument is perhaps the biggest laughing stock of serious academic pursuits. He routinely turns to false dichotomies in attempt to blur the lines between reason and faith, and in order to show that a Creator is necessary.
  15. You must have misunderstood Kant, because Kant never said anything about using "feeling" as a means to achieve a metaphysical truth. You should perhaps re-read Critique of Pure Reason. C.S. Lewis is a horrible philosopher, his "Lord, Liar, or Lunatic" argument is perhaps the biggest laughing stock of serious academic pursuits. He routinely turns to false dichotomies in attempt to blur the lines between reason and faith, and in order to show that a Creator is necessary.
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