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Everything posted by Toolboxnj

  1. Looks look Keyes is going to nailed by this socialist he's running against.. Keyes is no more than a Black placeholder for the Rep Party, I'm sad to say TB
  2. Unfortunatly, Kant's influence on my college campus (Rutgers Univ) is wide ranging. From my international relations prof telling us: "Our senses are flawed; the world is distorted" to a political theory prof claming he's an avowed Kantian and Marxist sympathizer, although quite entertaining BTW, my poltical compass is just short of neo-liberalism (libertarianism), directly on the centerline, but a smidge to the left of where the line terminates.. is that where most O'ists would score? TB
  3. How can one with the nick "I.Kant", although that can be read "I Can't"? TB
  4. Other than Rand.. I enjoy reading Camus' fiction (not his non-fiction).. read most of it I've started to take an interest in human evil (omg, heh).. read "The Aquariums of Pyongyang".. picked up "The Rape of Nanking" and Wiesel's "Night" (although it got messed up in the car).. I read Robert Bork on and off.. political books as well, although I stay away from the blantant commericalized partisans (i.e. Hannity, Coulter, Moore, etc).. I enjoyed Larry Elder's two books and John Stossel's "Give me a Break".. for the neo-conservative in me "An End to Evil (Perle, Frum).. for the neo-liberal "Capitalism and Freedom" (Friedman)... I work for Barnes and Noble during the school year, so I'm always reading and buying books for myself although it's cheaper sometimes to order used on Amazon. Now that the semester is coming I'll be reading alot of irrational, Post-Kantian BS from my profs
  5. Look at the professors that teach there... I'm taking a class "Marxist Theory" taught by an avowed Kantian this semester.. mainly for entertainment purposes TB
  6. The first section of FTNI is probably my favorite Rand other than The Roots of War TB
  7. I got a used copy of FTNI on amazon.com for about $3 Was reading it today..
  8. Rudy G, definatly I like Steve Forbes very much, enjoy his commentary on fiscal issues In the media I think Larry Elder or John Stossel would be great. Elder was thinking about running for Cali governor IIRC. TB
  9. I would personally make a list of priorities on the issues in the campaign. For instance, most important to least Defense, War on Terror Taxes, Who would decrease Abortion, Pro-Choice (or "Life") Then I'd look at the stances of the candidates. I would give more points to the candidate with my view on defense, and less points for abortion (I'm a guy, it isn't that important). Total it up and then ask yourself "do I like this guy's character?" TB
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