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Everything posted by Toolboxnj

  1. Bans aren't a good idea, but maybe greater punishments for owners when their Pit Bulls do attack. I agree that it's how the dog is raised (I had a Dobermann that was like a lamb), but it seems that Pit Bulls have are more aggressive than, say, my Pugs. Also, because the jaws lock it's difficult to get a Pit Bull off you when it does attack. Maybe treating it like a gun: you have a right to have them for self defense, life, pleasure, etc., but when a crime is committed with one you should be held liable.
  2. I have to agree. Bush doesn't have the monopoly on faith in this election. On the other hand, Kerry can just be pragmatic trying to get as many votes as he can. On the other, other hand, socialists did a great job using faith in the south during the civil rights movement in the 1960s. So, I don't know..
  3. AIM - mgbloser I have others on Yahoo and MSN, but have been lazy putting the info into Trillian
  4. I have the HP4350. It was a little heavy duty for me, but I found a refurbished one on eBAY for $300 (instead of the retail $450). Try and find something with Bluetooth, because it'll come in handy with other components (for instance, I use my PDA as a GPS device as well without losing the memory slot).
  5. Actually, I've found people at Jesuit schools to be better grounded and more polite than "left-wing" schools. I've visited a handful of both in my years, and I'd go to a Jesuit school over a "left-wing" school anyday. My sister goes to St. Joe in Philly and she loves it. Sure, there are crosses and stuff on the walls, but that's the only cosmetic difference. It's MUCH different than Catholic high school, which is torture.
  6. Oh yeah, the "Reverends" I can't stand the Religious Right, but the Religious Left is "God-awful" and much more dangerous. Remember, the Communists had a wonderful base in southern churches in the King-era and nothing has changed since then. It's time someone took the PC gloves off and shows the "Civil Rights Movement" for what it is.
  7. The Economist had a special report on the EU 2 weeks ago. I suggest people give it a read. TB
  8. Edwards kept on evading the questions, replying to Cheney after the fact which was very annoying. Only thing I agreed with Edwards has on Israel, but it's probably just rhetoric. Funny that Cheney gave a site that redirects to George Soros' website
  9. If you aren't going to take the government scholarships, someone else will. It might as well be you. You and your parents have paid so much in taxes that at least you can get some of it back. Just oppose all other kinds of welfare statism, and it's moral. I go to a state college as well. Why? Because my parents are taxed to death (small business owners) and it would be a sacrifice to spend $20k-30k a year for something I can get for nothing. At least get the state college for lesser cost. You've earned it.
  10. I suggest The Motley Fool's Guide to Investing. I read it when I was 12 and learned about balance sheets, cash flow, etc. It seems basic, and it is for beginners. It's very entertaining as well. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/074...1417574-5358454 TB
  11. I suppose the Rutgers Objectivists can come to NYC for dinner one night this or next week. I'll bring it up at the meeting tonight
  12. It's going to be a fun time. Meeting are on Monday Nights
  13. The odd thing is if you read the preamble to the Contitution Party, substitute God, Jesus Christ, Biblical Law with Reason, Individual Rights, and Objective law, you have a good party LoL
  14. Jeffrey Reiman wrote "The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison", which has a whole 1/4th of the book on white collar crime. It also has a Marxist critique of our criminal justice system, which may be helpful in the paper even if you (and I) disagree with it. It's a popular book for criminology classes in American Unis, so you probably won't have a hard time finding it. Plenty of examples of white collar crime, like Medicare/Medicaid Fraud.. Remember, it doesn't have to be a major corparation to be a white-collar crime. Submitting a fraudulant claim for your insurance would be a white-collar crime, even on the individual level. Perhaps picking a government program (i.e. Medicare/Aid) and chronicaling the abuses within the system both by recipiants and the government. I think that would be a great Capitalist approch instead of attacking big business which are sometimes only guilty of being successful (Microsoft) TB
  15. A good place to start is the first third of "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal" by Rand.. monopolies are covered, at least the Objectivist viewpoint TB
  16. Yes, I got the shirt off eBAY and have gotten a handful of compliments for it TB
  17. My father did not go to college, but earns a good living with his business. Luckily, he's great with his hands (something he didn't pass on to me), so college wasn't a necessity. Common sense, though, is a requirement in my opinion. If you do not go to college you must have some other attribute that you could lean on, IMO. But, it's been proven that those who do go to college and hold advanced degrees do earn more money, although that isn't the only indication of happiness. TB
  18. Odd thing is I've always learned the most from professors that I've disagreed with (and there have been MANY of them). The trick is finding one that admires your veracity and dedication to the topic and rewards you for it. It is a lecture/discussion class, entry level (even though I'm a 4th year junior). And my apologies, he is a grad student, not a prof. I wouldn't know what difference that would make (I've never had a grad student for an instructor before I came to this hellhole called Rutgers, but hey, it's FREE!) I have chosen to keep the class, but not to remain so outspoken. Instead, I will use the class to gain knowledge of “the other side”, just as I am in my Marxist Theory class. Unfortunately, I do not think I’ll gain much by attempting to “convert the masses”, which isn’t my job anyways. I’ll wear my “Rearden Steel” t-shirt and bring an **evil** Randian book to class on Tuesday Objectivists of the Academic World, Unite! Atlas51184: Yes, Yes, I remember you.. PM me (actually, I’ll PM you tomorrow) and we’ll get together soon and discuss the formation of the club. TB
  19. Ok, I have to take a philosophy class for a requirement to graduate. So, this is your basic run of the mill intro to ethics kinda class. No problem. He's introducing the material for the semester and without provocation starts bashing Objectivism and Ayn Rand. He's like "So, say you are one of those like Ayn Rand who think selfishness is a virtue! HA! Good thing there aren't too many of those people in the world!" in a devilish, evil kinda way (think Howard Dean's meltdown, but on Prozac). Now, I'm fuming.. as a student of Objectivism (not quite there yet) I understand that we are a minority, but the greatest minority is the individual. I began to counter some of his arguments about morality, faith, reason and ethics on the first day of class, making it known that I'll be a thorn in his Kantian side. After he stated there are no absolutes, I said that he was making an absolute statement to the chuckling of the class. Now, I have a couple options. I could drop the class and take something that wouldn't challenge or reinforce my ideas. I could continue the class, and stay quiet, and earn my A-B. I could also challenge the professor while learning the philosophy of my enemies while reinforcing my Objective thinking. I don't know what I'll do yet.. I'll think about it over the weekend. It's a shame walking through the college bookstore that Kant, Plato, Hume, Descartes, Hegel and others dominate the shelves while Rand, Locke and Aristotle have a minor showing, if they are there at all. TB
  20. Depends when you're looking at.. I'm, hopefully, moving in January closer to school - Rutgers, New Brunswick It's an hour commute to NYC from NB, so perhaps not an option? Of course, time is flexable on my side.. I wouldn't know about yours Send a PM TB PS: I'm not an O'ist yet, although I'm working on it
  21. I've also noticed that successful companies are named with their founder's last name (Rearden Metal, Dan. Coal) and failed companies aren't (Assoc. Steel, Atlantic Southern, Amalgated Switch, 20th Cent. Motor) TB Er, Edit: By "successful" I mean companies that are lead by the "minds" and "failed" by those who use the government for their ends.
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