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Black Wolf

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Black Wolf last won the day on May 15 2011

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    Richard Enderle
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  1. So what is the difference between civil unions and marriage anyway? Aside from tax breaks and monetary benefits?
  2. http://www.climatedepot.com/a/13403/MITs-Richard-Lindzen--Physicist-David-Douglass-Mullers-findings-of-warming-arenothing-remarkable--BEST-study-does-not-alter-Climategates-serious-breaches-of-ethics A nice article dismissing this finding this study as irrelevant
  3. If racism of particular people were the things keeping black people down - then asians and jews would not be having the same "privileges" they have today
  4. This is truly amazing... I heard about it this Monday. I was excited
  5. Are you sure SOPA violates due process? I do understand that it's a 71 page bill, but on the very first page it says that no action by the state can be found to violate the first amendment. It also says that sufficient evidence must be provided that the website owner's primary purpose is to distribute copyright material. Also, it says that criminal action can be taken against anyone who files false SOPA claims. Is there something in the 71 page thing that contradicts this?
  6. Just for corrections, because I missed this one: When McVeigh claimed to be an agnostic, he thought it meant "I'm not sure what denomination of Christianity I am". That's why he didn't attend mass - not because he was an agnostic. He still professed a belief in a God.
  7. I might. I think perhaps, my confusion stems from the lack of arguments provided other than reductio ad absurdum. I understand that children have limited rights, due to a developing rational faculty - but the problem I'm having is - does this make them inherently slaves, if they do any work?
  8. Because if someone can make the case that a child can't consent at a certain age, regardless of what they actually say - and if people make the argument that a slave is, by definition, someone who is working without consent - then the case can be made that a child is inherently a slave. Your argument is that if the child is working, or being asked to find a job that is not a danger to his health, in exchange for continued shelter. That's great - but it doesn't eliminate the problem of - can a child consent? Child labor, good or bad, humane or inhumane is not voluntary unless the case can be made that consent can be given. Mutual transactions that aren't consented doesn't eliminate slaveyr. CapitalistFred and you have provided very good arguments that kids should be allowed to work - but it doesn't eliminate the problem of: - Can a child consent to work? - Is child labor voluntary? - If it's not, is it slavery? The fact that a child is able to purchase may imply that the child is capable of consenting to certain activies. Now, imagine if the store clerk said.. "Hey kiddo, you want more of these candies? If you get a job here, you can afford more of this candy!" The child instantly says yes... in this situation, it doesn't seem like the child was in his right mind to consent. What would be proper consent - if he asked his parents first? Assuming what Avila said, that a child getting a job is merely contributing to the welfare of his family, perhaps the case can be made that child labor, with consent of the parents, is not slavery.
  9. This is the issue I'm having: I'm not so clear that it's not true. It may not be necessarily a bad thing that a kid is told to wash dishes, but the issue I'm having trouble with is the idea that child labor is not slavery. Would I have to argue that, by definition, a kid is a slave until he is an adult capable of making his own choices?
  10. "The US has exactly as much right (to attack another country because they have nukes) as other nations have to attack the US for having nukes." This is not correct - the United States and Iran are completely different countries with completely different regimes. The United States, despite perhaps having a history of having some ideological wars, has a Constitution and regime that prevents them from doing so. With Iran, their Constitution encourages their military to start ideological wars - wars in the name of Islam. Iran has a history of initiating force against us - They did nationalize oil found by American enterprise
  11. I've been hearing a lot of arguments against child labor, that children of young ages can't consent - therefore, if any child were to work somewhere, it would be slavery. Now, I'm not sure if Ayn Rand has addressed child labor laws at all, but I am guessing in a free-market society, child labor wouldn't necessarily be illegal - government may perhaps take action against them only in cases where it seems as though the parent is out of their mind, either for leting or encouraging them to work in certain places. But at the same time, it can also be argued that, if children work anywhere - regardless of whether or not it's at Starbucks, or a coal mine- the child is a slave. Would it be wrong to argue that the child is a slave, until he is conscious enough to be able to legally consent?
  12. Who said atheism automatically makes one rational? Or more rational? I'm never met an atheist acutally say that - and believe me, I have MANY complaints about fellow atheists.
  13. "Nor was it important to Ayn Rand, so you're probably in the wrong place to look for a concept of family to strive for (a family of your own)." Ahahahah, what?
  14. I was joking too. And yeah, I don't think my ability to pinpoint spelling errors instantly prevents me from seeing the bigger picture. It makes me happy that I can recognize that it's a spelling error - and it helps me a lot when writing essays. And if I feel something is worthy of being disagreed with, I generally don't mention any spelling or grammatical errors I come across. As for the topic hand, I wonder - is it possible that maybe, just maybe, philosophers may have a potential job market outside of colleges? Perhaps a psychologist can hire a philosopher as an assistant. Like.. maybe, all a depressed person really would need is to have a conversation with a philosopher. I really don't know how something like this would work out. But I will agree the modern psychiatry is too pre-occupied with medication as a solution. Obviously, this approach would not work right now.
  15. So, I have a question - Didn't Judge Walker defy binding precedent by ruling in favor of Perry, on the grounds that it was a violation of Due Process and the Equal Proteciton Clause? Baker v. Nelson, 409 U.S. 810, 34 L.E.2d 65, 93 S Ct 37 (1972), is a Supreme Court case, which is a higher jurisdiction than the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California. Since Judge Walker refused to rule along with a lawsuit much similar to the one he judged, he violated binding precedent.
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