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Spiral Architect

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Everything posted by Spiral Architect

  1. Attacking Individuality and tacking on a form of original sin? Sadly I can see such a gross evil sticking with enough people.
  2. Because you are judging them the color of their skin instead of the content of their character.
  3. I will say this once - Try that whining and card backhanded crap from the last several sentences once more to dodge the issue with smear tactics and I'll wash my hands of this. I am not some altruist intellectual missionary out to cure people's defective thinking. Your on this private forum discussing ideas related to it's philosophy. And if you are going to call me a collectivist for refusing to judge people by group definitions you are not even trying. At all. As for this case - I am reporting facts as described to the grand jury. It is valid for a grand jury to review this case in case the cop was wrong. This jury, which is local civilians, reviewed this case and agreed with that fact. It's not my opinion but documented fact. The office was charged by the civilian and the officer defended himself. If thugs don't want to get shot then I recommend they don't charge police officers. If I charged a police officer I would expect to be shot, which is why I would not do that. Not rocket science. The only thing racist about all of this is those who actually pointed out the race and treat random facts of skin color or zip code of birth as being relevant to basic facts of reality.
  4. I have no idea what you even mean. 1+1=2 no matter what language you use culture is irrelevant, which is the point. I can be from Mars and 1+1=2. I have no idea what you are trying to prove here.
  5. And this is what is destroying Western Civilization. Claiming 1+1=2 is dependent on the zip code I am born under is the ultimate form of aborting reality. 1+1=2 as an individual man = Collectivism? From your posts I judge you to me a smart guy. You can do better than that contradiction.
  6. D'oh! I blame a long day at work and a lack of caffeine...
  7. Pa'Lease. The man had a record - FACT. He was investigated due to a crime that night - FACT. The man charged the officer according to witness - FACT. The only speculation is the real motivation of collectivists who judge people by skin color instead of facts.
  8. A cop in Ferguson arrested a known criminal who may have been involved in a local incident that evening, but the man charged him in what several witnesses said "He looked like a Linebacker (football player) charging the officer". The office warned him then shot him to defend himself. What should have been a standard review to make sure the officer was justified in defending himself became a national media circus since the criminal was black and the office was white. The media was outraged and people rioted when a judicial review found the officer innocent. Since then such random facts of appearance are being pointed out by special interest lobbies and the media for every police incident. This is going to me like the McDonald's coffee lawsuit in long term implications sending us down the rabbit hole.
  9. Ferguson is a prime example of people thinking in terms of collectivism instead of basic facts of reality. A known criminal charges an officer and when the officer defends himself the first thing everyone looks at is not that basic fact, which is the only relevant facts, but instead incidentals like their appearance. Why? Because of collectivism. Because of this Social-Appearance-Ancestor nonsense that says random facts of appearance somehow is relevant to a officer defending himself when a known criminal charges him. As for white teachers or black teachers or whatever being involved in a 40% drop out rate. It does not matter. 1+1=2 no matter what the person who says it looks like. If a kid cannot grasp 1+1=2 you blame the teaching method, not some completely laughable random fact like the person's appearance.
  10. No. But it is about people thinking in terms of collectivist groups first instead of the facts of reality.
  11. I'm just trying to wrap my brain around a collectivist trend that smashes itself into smaller collectivist groups for and assigns "group think" to such basic facts. It's skepticism meets tribalism on a poster modern scale. How long can such a contradiction even stand before it implodes upon itself. Of course, now that I think about it as typing maybe we are seeing the implosion is such cases as Ferguson...
  12. Wow. Simply wow. I missed this the first time and color me horrified. I weep for the continued collectivization of society into such group think rot that pretends 1+1=2 is somehow dependent on anything more than the basic child-like facts of reality. I fear we will see superstitious warding against evil and fetishes to go along with our tribal formation of concepts.
  13. Six. Million. Dead. Jews. Did the Soviets set that up to? Maybe they took those 10 million dead Ukrainian farmers and prop them up in Auschwitz to hide their own butcher house? Come on man. This is even more ridiculous than blaming Churchill for the Blitz.
  14. The issue is not that someone is more mature on their 17 year, 364th day then the next day on their 18th birthday. The issue is that for a law to be objective it has to define a standard. Every kid is different so creating a sliding scale up to some kind of peer or judicial review simply makes the process more complex and subjective then picking x date. If the date seems wrong then the issue is to change the date at that point.
  15. Just for clarification to make sure we are not under the wrong understand: Rand would not call her work Socially Conscious since that term is an anti-concept which I'm confident in saying a lot of people here would agree.
  16. The Madagascar Plan was the original plan to ship the Jews to Madagascar. It was dropped and a more cost effective solution was put into place. It's a strange read for history buffs. The existence of Gas Chambers is not debatable however. There are eye witness accounts from then, post commentary afterwards in the memoirs, and even inventory of the gas that was dropped in the "showers". Castration and other portions of the Nuremberg Laws that specifically target Jews was the beginning. It ended in 6 million dead through central planning. Corpses don't lie - They are dead and it was through Government planning and at no time was there any attempt to stop it. Plus if it was random then we would have comparable dead with the prisoner's of war, which obviously didn't happen. I'm always amazed how things like 6 million dead Jews or 10 million dead Ukrainians are just brushed aside as if the dead can be justified by some historical accident.
  17. And the idea that Churchill is responsible for the blitz is a joke. Sorry, but true. Germany had done it once in WWI and obviously if they were going to take the island it would have to happen again to avoid a ground campaign the Hitler was not ready to commit too.
  18. Outside of the reports from the soldiers who came home or the memoirs of key figures, like Patton? How about the fact that they had gas chambers or furnaces? Or Hitler spelled it out in Mein Kampf in which he soft sells the "destruction of the weak and sick" as being "more humane than their protection." Or perhaps you believe they were simply waiting for the more benevolent Madagascar Plan to be revisited?
  19. Communism in space? Tribalism in a high tech necessitated environment? That should work out just peachy...
  20. Somewhere in this esoteric backhanded talk about who supposedly meant what, I'm missing the actual point of this debate outside of something like "I don't like so and so because I think they missed this detail" which I hope I'm wrong. Can someone please explain what is the crux here.
  21. If you look at it at it's root cause you have it reversed, although they feed each other like any relationship in the long run to produce what you stated. Self-Esteem leads one to Capitalism as it is the social application of personal action. If one is confident in oneself you will want to be independent and free to act on your ideas. Communism or any other group-ism like the modern Welfare State is born of lack of confidence (in people and existence), therefor you're willing to loose independence in the form of security from the group. It is security theater on a much larger scale. Self Esteem leads to independence and lack of it leads to dependence. From there they just feed each other in a circle of growth or decline respectively. Or to put it another way, the Emo culture makes perfect sense in a Welfare State that finds ways to hate itself. I hope that helps you get started
  22. As a big fan of music I can tell you after too many hours of driving on the road and chewing on music as a value, I can say that music projects the emotions of the writer as well as the listener independently. The artist expresses ideas and the listener does another. Many times the great artists actually bring you into their world, for example Frank Sinatra had the ability to make you feel what he was feeling. But other times the listener sees their ideas or emotions. As Dee Snider put it bluntly to the Senate Committee in the 80's, "I wrote a song about fear of surgery and that is what I hear. Mrs. Gore went looking for S&M so she found it." I am a hard rock and heavy metal fan, for example. Some people hear thrash and think it is anger or noise. I hear the sound of the industrial revolution and a "Who is going to stop me?" vision that makes we want to win. To each his own as it reflects your values.
  23. So if I buy some land and say... Farm it for myself it is private property?
  24. I can't ignore a robber. I can ignore a plot of land. Easily. I did it while driving home
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