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Everything posted by tadmjones

  1. I didn't realize until recently that the public had not seen the "Zapruder film" until Geraldo Rivera aired it in 1978.
  2. On its face that seems most likely to mean that native-born Americans consume social security benefits , social security is an entitlement program , probably the first one.
  3. Governments are instituted, optimally, to protect the individual rights of the citizens , those who live in the jurisdiction of the government, how would a government violate the rights of those not 'in' its jurisdiction?, as a legal matter, again, as government is optimally its laws.
  4. As to pragmatic concerns , given the level of our current welfare structure (social security and medical funding) unlimited immigration would be a more politically palatable situation if immigrants were charged a one time fee equivalent to a fair estimation of the average payroll/income tax a citizen would have contributed by the age of emigration. Along with a similar scheme for property taxes on a local level. One obstacle (among others) in implementing such a system would be large business concerns that pay wage earners , citizens using valid identification , social security numbers , would have a portion of their labor costs rise at least 6% overnight. FICA and Medicare payroll deductions to wage earners are matched by the employer. In some instances this means currently wage payers to ‘undocumented’ employees , not only can hide the non contribution of the matching portion but can also deduct the taxes , an instant ‘rebate’. Large business concerns wield ‘more’ political power than citizens , currently, as illegal immigration is a net gain for their labor costs the status quo will probably perpetuate.
  5. In what way does meeting certain legal strictures for entry/immigration into a free nation qualify as a violation of non citizen rights?
  6. Pragmatic concerns of population change and the extent of associated political disruption.
  7. Actually act to start to cut down on illegal immigration, military pull backs, NATO pushback and demonstrate that corporate media is compromised, not partisan bias but narrative drivers?
  8. There is just no substitute for bucket and rag on hands and knees to really remove the dirt from a floor. Last time I cleaned the house, I was wondering if the Gerlach and Stern experiment lead in a linear path to the development of the ‘bomb’, which lead to wondering if causation and identity share a hierarchical status or.. perhaps too many podcasts or fumes. Try changing the fumes and don’t be so hard on yourself, at least write yourself a good recommendation letter.
  9. Dershowitz says the place is invested with quislings , but what would he know? He doesn’t hang with them anymore.
  10. Would that it were, Stephen. Although .. a consumption tax with no ' loopholes' may be preferable. When did Weisselberg's transgressions occur ? and when was it he was charged ? the point I was discussing was that Trump and those in his orbit are being targeted for being in his orbit. ( I'm sure Frette never listed a sale price in their books for items purchased at full retail, proof being they are in NYC and not jailed )
  11. Why was Weisselberg being charged? SDNY combs through all corporations in their jurisdiction as a matter of course to ensure compensation/tax compliance is kosher, in an even handed manner? Are we to assume if there are no examples of CFOs being incarcerated then those corporations have not compensated their employees in a similar way? I have to say my streak of radical capitalism colors my opinion of 'law breakers' that 'evade' the revenue man somewhat favorably.
  12. The misrepresentation that crosses the law is a misdemeanor offense , the DA is trying to make it a felony by claiming the actions furthered a plan to commit election finance fraud. What percentage of the total outlays for campaign expenditures did the 130k represent? Reasonable-ness is still a character of law , no ? NDA's are legitimate legal instruments, why are they not to be considered an expense for Trump's private business concerns? Does NY state law have jurisdiction over a federal election, they can override the FEC? The DA's office has yet to publicly state what the 'other' crimes were that elevate the misdemeanor to a felony, so more to see . The court/judge in this case sentenced Trump's CFO to 3 months in Riker's Island because he wouldn't 'flip' on DJT, these are not nice people, most rational are 'nice'.
  13. I'm not sure about the specifics of the taxing implications as they apply to expenditure(s), on 'each' of the 34 charges. The charge count is basically equivalent to being charged for shoplifting a bag of M&M's and then having the charges multiplied to account for each piece of candy in the bag. The reimbursement was even structured so that Cohen would receive payments that totaled 420k so that income tax woud be collected and roughly 170k would accrue to his personal 'take home', so an intent to defraud tax collection seems inconsistent.
  14. The legal argument Bragg would have to make is that paying for an NDA or buying the rights to a story is the same as a campaign expense and that internal quasi-fictitious bookkeeping was employed for the sole purpose of misleading campaign finance statutes. A charge that could not be brought if any argument can be made that the use of the NDA could also be motivated for any other such purpose. ‘Protecting’ personal and or business reputations are legitimate ‘other’ uses, whether or not they are concurrent with being involved in a campaign for office. Hostile authorities in agencies with purview/jurisdiction over these actions already passed on any sanctions for the same activities, it’s bs.
  15. It basically says that although NDA’s are legal not disclosing in your records the specifics of the agreements is criminal , if you are Donald Trump.
  16. Adam’s Alien and Sedition, Lincoln’s suspension of habeas corpus, FDR detention of the Japanese and perhaps some other acts of the abuse of executive privilege/power can be seen as motivated by the intention to protect the nation against a perceived danger. Using the legal system to target a specific individual motivated by removing the ability of that individual to challenge your governmental power , unless there is one and you are the messiah , is not being done in the service of preserving or protecting the health of the nation , mostly on the basis that your actions interfere with the public’s ability to choose their own leaders. The indictment brought by Bragg is a joke and an abuse of office.
  17. Violence is never justified except in defense. What kind of country allows one political party to arrest and jail its political opponents?
  18. I think estimating the total output of human effort ,in the context of a Bronze Age level of technology , needed to produce the Great Pyramid at Giza indicates a societal structure closer to one functioning on voluntary bases. It seems to be a monumental achievement of hyper focused manual output , output that would restrict the available total output of the society or economy for agricultural output needed to feed the working population. If all the labor came from forced slaves , it would follow all the necessary output of the other segments of the society would need to have been slaves , and as curious a fact as Washington found , slaves tend not to produce at what one would reasonably expect to be their true potential. I doubt they had paid paternity leave , but I doubt too that the structures could have been’ beaten out ‘ of humans working in a coordinated manner.
  19. So collectivist activities are game changers. Sufficient cause as opposed to necessary , no ?
  20. Computational is definitely a word I associate with hearing him mentioned and a word he uses frequently. He made his money in computing, developed a computational nature language based programming language, and currently on his website they are showing the results of his plug in interface working with ChatGPT. I suppose I thought he was well known enough in the field, perhaps that’s just an effect of the algorithm’s steering me to certain content. Maybe he’s part of the physics ‘dark web’.
  21. I thought his name would be familiar, perhaps he is just a ‘pop star’ mathematician/theoretical physicist . Though at least to me his resume seems impressive, enough. Got his PhD in theoretical particle physics from Caltech at 20 , Feynman was one of his advisors.
  22. If these kinds of statements would disqualify him , I’d avoid the video “Stephen Wolfram has gone as far as claiming that CA may help us to solve longstanding issues in philosophy:
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHPQ_oSsJgg TOE s and TOA s, especially post Einstein, don't change much in regard my toe and the threat posed to them by an errant bowling ball
  24. ..speaking of Platonism or neoPlatonic metaphysics, did Stephen Wolfram just 'confirm' the validity of the conceptualization of 'the' aether , and imply the veracity of Chris Lagan's CTMU? A layman's foray into voyeuristic physics podcasting makes for strange bedfellow-like connections, lol. The TOE(theory of everything) podcast series recently showed Wolfram at a conference talking of his latest doings , awesome talk , the kind that makes the brain hurt good
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