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Craig24 last won the day on December 13 2022

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About Craig24

  • Birthday 09/19/1965

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  1. The word "solution" implies an ability to make them learn respect for rights. You think that's actually possible?
  2. That's fine but you must show me what Israel is doing wrong here. Hamas has openly stated they exist to destroy Israel. Hamas backs that stated intent in action (terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians). Israel is left with two options: Destroy Hamas (risking collateral damage) or take no action and be destroyed by Hamas. If you see a third option that secures Israel from future attacks that somehow leaves Palestinians unharmed I'm all ears.
  3. Yeah everyone does have rights but what point are you making? How is this related to the actions necessary for Israeli security against terrorism? Or is it your claim that acknowledging such rights prohibits risking collateral damage in a retaliation by Israel? What option does Israel have that they are not undertaking that would adequately protect Israel and prevent the collateral damage that so many object to?
  4. Israeli explains why the pro-palestinian view is wrong:
  5. I'm confused. Who is claiming Thunberg is a follower of Kaczinski?
  6. Are you asking if the govt should regulate the degree of ambiguity in a TOS contract on a social media site?
  7. You have my attention now. I'm against innocent folks being eradicated. Of course you have proof of this.... I have my doubts. https://theconversation.com/putins-claims-that-ukraine-is-committing-genocide-are-baseless-but-not-unprecedented-177511 https://www.usip.org/publications/2022/04/how-kremlin-distorts-responsibility-protect-principle
  8. I wonder what the German Constitution said in from 1933-1945? One wonders......
  9. Is this supposed to be evidence that Russia's invasion was provoked?
  10. He's talking about Jon Letendre. I wonder if he ever met this Q?
  11. A civil war started by who, against who? Why is it Russia's problem? Is the current conflict a rescue operation to save innocent victims of this civil war?
  12. Yes becuz Russia has no nukes, no military, no history of belligerence and no territorial ambitions. It's ok Europe. Go right ahead and disarm if you wish. Russia is no threat to you.
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