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  1. This is partly true. I tried writing a detailed answer, which turned out to be too long, so I created a separate topic. The answer is complicated because India, China, Pakistan, Pakistani tribesmen, kingdom of Jammu and Kashmir, United Kingdom and even the former country of Tibet (as well as pre-CCP Xinjiang) are all involved in the creation of the Kashmir conflict. Kashmir is a Himalayan region and multiple religious groups (Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists) and different ethnic groups (Kashmiri, Ladakhi, Pahari, Dogri, Balti) etc are also involved.
  2. Here is the gist of how the Kashmir conflict started in India: British India consisted of regions that were directly controlled by the British as well as ~500 kingdoms that were subsidiary to the British: Myanmar was separated from British India in 1937. When they left, the British partitioned the regions that were directly controlled by the them into a Muslim majority Pakistan and a secular India (mostly Hindu but also included non-Hindu, non-Muslim areas). The ~500 kingdoms were allowed to join India or Pakistan or remain independent. In some sense, British India was divided into ~500 countries. However, almost all of these 500 kingdoms chose to join India or Pakistan except a few: - Gwadar (controlled by Oman, annexed by Pakistan) - Khanate of Kalat (annexed by Pakistan) - Hyderabad State (remnant of Mughal Empire, annexed by India) - Junagadh (annexed by India) - Goa (Portuguese colony, annexed by India) - Puducherry (French colony, annexed by India) - Jammu and Kashmir I think there were other smaller kingdoms as well that didn't join India/Pakistan. I'm from a region which was the Kingdom of Travancore. We initially declared independence, but joined India after threats of assassination. Declaration of independence by the kingdom of Jammu and Kashmir was the most problematic, since it's located on the border between India and Pakistan. Jammu and Kashmir (or just Kashmir) was a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual and multi-religious kingdom. Overall, it was Muslim majority, but had a Hindu ruler (Hari Singh). Kashmir also had a significant Buddhist population in the Ladakh region. This is what the kingdom looks like now: When the partition of India along religious lines was announced, massacres of Hindus and Sikhs in "would be Pakistan" regions started (with the opposite happening in border regions in India). After Hindus and Sikhs were massacred in Rawalpindi, the news reached Jammu and led to the "Jammu massacres" in Jammu under the rule of the king (Hari Singh). Hearing news of this, Pakistani tribesmen invaded the kingdom, which resulted in the king, Hari Singh, acceding the kingdom to India. By the time Jammu and Kashmir acceded to India, the kingdom had already lost a significant chunk of territory. The following regions are now controlled by Pakistan: - Azad Kashmir ("free" Kashmir) or AJK. Ethnically Pahari (similar to Punjabis) - Gilgit Baltistan or GB. Ethnically Balti (tibetic). These two regions are Muslim majority and want to be a part of Pakistan. However, Pakistan maintains them as semi-autonomous regions and claims that they support the Kashmiri independence movement and want to hold a plebiscite in the whole region (except the regions claimed by China). Since a lot of the other regions in Kashmir are Muslim majority, Pakistan also claims them as part of Pakistan. I think Pakistan also claims Jammu, even though it's Hindu majority. The rest of the kingdom became the semi-autonomous Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir. Since legally the kingdom acceded to India, India also claims the rest of the kingdom that was invaded by Pakistan as a part of India. The regions controlled by India are: - Jammu: Hindu majority. Ethnically Dogri. - Kashmir valley: Muslim majority. Ethnically Kashmiri, speak Koshur. - Ladakh: around 45% Muslim and 40% Buddhist. Ladakhis are tibetic. Most Jammuites and Ladakhis want to be a part of India. Kashmiris from the valley want to be an independent country (neither India nor Pakistan). However, if they became independent, Pakistan will almost definitely invade them (or turn them into a puppet state). There was another region that India controlled that was part of the kingdom called Aksai Chin. The North-Eastern part of Aksai Chin was bounded by the Ardagh–Johnson Line during British rule. India inherited this border with Tibet when the J&K kingdom acceded to India. The border was originally drawn when Tibet was a separate country. After China invaded Tibet and the CCP took over Xinjiang, China invaded India in 1962. China also doesn't recognize the McMahon Line which the British agreed as the border with Tibet. China invaded Tibet (and stopped recognizing agreements made by Tibet), the British left and India has inherited that border dispute. China now controls the following region which was part of the J&K kingdom: - Aksai Chin. Almost no one lives there. China also claims Ladakh as a part of Tibet and threatens to invade occasionally, most recently two weeks ago. After Kashmir acceded to India, Pakistan started sending militants to Indian Kashmir to blow themselves up, which resulted in Indian Kashmir becoming increasingly militarized. This eventually led to an insurgency in the Kashmir Valley and increasing attacks on Kashmiri Hindus, who got kicked out in 1990. Recently (2019), India revoked Kashmir's autonomy, removing the separate constitution for Jammu and Kashmir guaranteed by Article 370 of India's Constitution. Kashmir and Ladakh were turned into Union Territories. Three weeks ago, India's supreme court upheld repeal of Kashmir's special status. This is a Scottish vlogger talking to a local Kashmiri Muslim who lived through most of this. India follows the Israel's West Bank model for governing Kashmir, to some extend. India bulldozes the houses of Kashmiris suspected to be terrorists. Reports of rape and torture by the Indian military are common. Mass graves (most likely of Kashmiri Muslims) were found in Kashmir that weren't identified or investigated. Local Kashmiri Hindus are still being killed by terrorists. The Indian government is subsidizing migrations of Hindus from poor states to Kashmir (some of these migrants are killed by terrorists). Insurgency in Kashmir is dying: Tourism and economic activity have picked up. Here is an interview of a former Kashmiri Muslim activist (Shehla Rashid used to be a "communist" student activist at JNU, but is now slightly more favorable to the Indian government). However, it's still the most militarized region on the planet. Pakistan and China are also involved and the issue isn't easily solvable, apart from recognizing the Line of Actual Control or LAC as the international border. Recognizing LAC is also not completely realistic. Pakistan's military controls their civilian government. Any civilian government that suggests the recognition of LAC as an international border gets "couped" by their military. Kashmiri independence also part of Pakistani nationalism and is a cause championed by Pakistan in international forums. The largest river in Pakistan (Indus/Sindhu) also flows through Indian Kashmir. China's belt and road initiative for Pakistan also goes through Pakistani Kashmir (so China is also interested in Indian/Pakistani Kashmir, apart from Aksai Chin and Ladakh).
  3. Why did you ask me if Israel practiced apartheid? I'm not from West Asia or from a Muslim family but I'm interested in the Kashmir conflict in India which has some parallels to what's happening in West Bank. Sure, but it would be easier to incorporate West Bank into Israel than Gaza.
  4. Arabs don't have the same rights as Jews. They don't have "Birthright Israel" (and related travel/migration rights), for example, even if they were actually born there and got kicked out. They also don't have the same experience with law enforcement as Jews. This is also a meaningless question. The Muslims who used to live in Israel and whose rights have been violated the most are not physically there, because they have been kicked out by Jews (1948 Palestinian expulsion). Just because they're not physically in Israel now doesn't mean that the rights of Muslims who had lived in present day Israel hadn't been violated. So yes, the property rights of "Israeli Muslims" have also been violated, but you won't find them in Israel. The reason you won't find as many "maltreated" Muslims in Jewish majority regions is because the Israeli Muslims whose rights were violated were also ethnically cleansed and no longer exist, not because they weren't maltreated. Acting like the rights of Muslims in Israel weren't violated is equivalent to saying that the rights of murdered (or deported) people weren't violated because they no longer exist (or exist in the same place). Just because these people don't have Israeli citizenship because of being Muslim doesn't mean they aren't from Israel or that their rights weren't violated. Where are Israel's borders? If you mean the Jewish majority areas with citizenship, there used to be Muslims there who got kicked out (1948 Palestinian expulsion). The rights of Muslims who used to live in Jewish majority regions still got violated, even if they're not physically there now (and don't have Israeli citizenship, even though they're from Israel). Jews took over homes of Muslims using laws such as "Land Acquisition (Validation of Acts and Compensation) Law (1953)". This is a violation of rights "within Israel's borders". If you mean West Bank, Israel occupies it militarily. Israel is also continually expanding into the West Bank and Jews living in the West Bank have Israeli citizenship, but Muslims don't. Israel de-facto controls West Bank and still kick out Muslims from their homes, as of 2023 (these homes are then taken over by Jews who have Israeli citizenship with help from the Israeli police force and military). What's happening in West Bank already happened in "Israel". If you mean Gaza, Israel has no direct military control over it, but controls their economy and resources. Israel doesn't just practice apartheid. It's a mix of ethnic cleansing (in Israel, 1948), apartheid (in West Bank, ongoing) and imperialism (in Gaza, ongoing).
  5. The year is 2023. College kids and twitter posts have assumed absolute, dictatorial power. Guns, bombs and military aid have stopped working. Genocide by words is the new norm. Whites in the US and Jews in Israel are channeling their inner Dodo. - The Smartest Conservative
  6. So minorities in Islamic theocracies experience a worse enforcement of rights than the majority? Totally not happening in Israel.
  7. I guess when you have room temperature IQ, it's easy to answer that Muslims having rights is equivalent to Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism. And of course, Judeophobia never existed when Conservatives were chanting "Jews will not replace us", but Jews are virtually genocided as soon as some leftist says Muslims have rights.
  8. Dude, you think you're Aryan/Übermensch psychologically. You've been simping for Russia for the past year. I'm pretty sure I know who the fascist is. Aww. Did I rile up a rightie?
  9. @whYNOT is a symptom of disgusting White people who have lived a privileged life, think oppression has no consequences, live in their own Aryan/Übermensch fantasies and think that Jews should have "pulled themselves by their bootstraps" in the middle of the Holocaust and should have simply "chosen not to be victims".
  10. You can keep cosplaying as Übermensch, will yourself out of genocides, own the left and do other White shenanigans. The rest of us will be out here doing our non-Aryan things in the real world.
  11. And anyone who thinks that repression and victimization have zero negative effects and that every single person can "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" no matter what happens to them (even in the middle of a genocide or bombing) is worse than a determinist. You believe in a mystical concept of human will and have no concept of morality. Keep riling up leftists and doing absolutely nothing to solve real world problems. That's easy when you pretend that the world doesn't have rules and you can solve everything by sheer human will.
  12. Keep being ignorant of social realities. Power structures and hierarchies exist and humans function within it. You're living in a fantasy land where you think people are, by their own moral failures, responsible for their oppression by others and deserve it. I don't blame you for your opinions. Not the first time you've echoed White nationalist (or in this case, the adjacent Zionist) talking points. You know what those evil "anti-racist" commies say: "Scratch a liberal and ... ".
  13. Who is talking about returning people to their ancestral homelands? Not me. Whatever migration there was, already happened (and I believe everyone has a right to migrate anywhere, as long as the land/house is properly bought/leased). The only minor issue is regarding some claims that Israelis stole houses from Palestinians (if proven, they must be kicked out from those homes). I don't know why you're even bringing this up (I never mentioned it).
  14. Israel bombs Gaza (which has a population density similar to cities) indiscriminately and spins it as "Hamas is using civilians as a human shield". If they wanted to actually kill militants, they should send soldiers, not missiles.
  15. Here's a better solution: nuke all Western nations. Maybe you can stop the 100th or how many ever wars the West has started in Asia.
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