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Plasmatic last won the day on June 30 2017

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  1. Hey-- long time no talk. We used to play Halo together on Xbox Live around 2011-12. You told me about the Electric Universe and we had a lot of great chats about Rand. Send me a message sometime.

    1. chuff


      Thefirstoftheirreturn. That was you, right? Hit me up bro

  2. This tells more about your introspective skill, than Objectivist epistemology.
  3. Every “why” and “how” pressuposes a “what”....Entities are causal primaries...In both Existence and Consciousness. (axiomatic concepts) Entity>action>relationships
  4. Easy truth, I take your comments as a form of what I coined as rhetoric mining. You say that you decided to try to: I am curious if you actually decided consciously that pointing out this persons stolen concepts publicly would serve to embarrass him? I have more thoughts but want to hear your response first.
  5. Yes, and these two distinct concepts when taken as a package deal provide a handle in the minds of those who hear the arguments for “reasonable” compromise and “civility” amongst contradictory opposition.
  6. Thank you very much for digging those quotes up, Greg! They have done more good than you know....
  7. Would be nice to know what insults you are referring to and what knowledge you claim to know I lack? Language games have a historically philosophical history and in particular using quotes to neutrualize a concept within a context where your comment would make no sense given the addition of the quotes. The philisopher David Stove wrote about this quite a bit... For example “sacrifice” in scare quotes already means that you arent talking about giving up a higher value for a lesser one so there is nothing to “permit” as far as rational egoism goes.
  8. I have already given you what you originally asked for. I am fine with you interpreting that however you want. I comfortable with others drawing their own conclusion. This is a non sequitur. Repudiating the type of socialism known as “cultural marxism” does not make one either a non-socialist, or a non leftist. I am working on extensive demonstration of Peterson’s actual traditionally leftist rooted philosophy and anyone interested can see it when I finish.
  9. This is why I find discussion with you useless. You reliably move the goal posts every time you are cornered. You clearly stated nothing about my comment on the goals of cultivation and explicitly asked: ”Who specifically sees risk tolerance as an innate trait” and stated “I mean I would like to read something about it” Which is exactly what I responded to. Because that is exactly what he is. By his own words. The fact that many think he is not is a testament to the utter lack of understanding in the culture of his philosophical background.
  10. Regarding commensurablity and life as the standard: Two humans A and B both are alive and have digestive systems. A has an ulcer and B has a normally functioning stomach. A family dinner A and B are attending has only ulcer inflaming foods prepared. Is this dinner equally good for both A and B’s life? Clearly not. Both A and B equally require food to sustain life. But the means to which each individuals context of survival is different. That is the whole premise behind why the state cannot serve the interest of the individuals composing its citizens.
  11. Is “temperament” a skill? I am not interested in discussing this issue with you beyond what I am posting here. The SEP article on risk contains no less than 5 definitions of risk. (So much for “anything other than”) In that very article “risk perception” in the psychometric model is claimed to be better understood as influenced by “attitude” and cited with sjoberg 2004 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1038/sj.embor.7400258 However, I am largely thinking of psychologist’s like Peterson who use “temperament” as a sort of inbuilt predisposition for things like political philosophy and risk avoidance.
  12. You benifit no one by doing this kind of word game. It only serves to needlesly muddy communication and provides a pretext for others to gain an “anchor” or handle to steer a conversation manipulatively. NLP practitioners look for this sort of linguistic opportunity often.
  13. Yeah, I think it said your username because I snipped it from your post quoting Easy Truth? I will just quote it generically to fix it.
  14. Easy Truth said: “there is a rational complication with the issue of life qua man rather than "staying alive". It is in the case of "risk". One person wants to advance their life by knowingly doing something very dangerous ... but if it works, with great reward genuinely improving their life in every way. The tallying in that case is highly influenced by personal temperament (risk tolerance) rather by some universal determination.” Many have made issue with survival vs flourishing... Highly skilled athletes performing dangerous tasks consider techical skill to mitigate risk such that someone performing the same action is at a much greater risk. The academic leftists who have infected much of the literature on risk like to use it as an out of context innate trait they are seeking to cultivate in a would be revolutionary subject...
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