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EC last won the day on August 10

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About EC

  • Birthday 07/23/1977

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    Physics, Philosophy, Sports, Reading in General, Thinking, Shooting Pool, Movies, Music, Technology, Poker


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  1. I reporting your username to the FBI as a likely supporter of terrorism and as a result you are likely also anti-American. Don't respond under any circumstances.
  2. And now the hackers, criminals, anti-Objectivists, anti-Americans, and anti-reason/anti-morality crowd that has overtaken this site, the country, and the world will bury his excellent blog post with never-ending nonsense that has overtaken the site.
  3. Going to have to share this on X as the hacking criminals are limiting me seeing your's and other consistent reality based Objectivist posts while bombarding me with the irrelevant, things that I'm against, or things that are relatively neutral instead of what I signed up there to see. Post's like yours, from ARI, from Capitalism Magazine, etc. The criminals seems to think that if they bombard rational people with the inconsistent that it will "change a rational person's mind" to become an inconsistent non-principled statist/collectivist/tribalist like themselves when that will *never* happen to a person like myself with integrity.
  4. It gives false metaphysical precedence to an "issue" that can be dismissed on simple statement of principle. It gives "fuel" to one's enemies to ignore what lead to that principled reality based statement and allows them to engage in their game of throwing out tons of out of context "concretes" in order to use crow epistemology to drop context and push false ideas. It turns things that can instantly be dismissed as false and/or evil into never-ending pointless arguments and "discussions" and makes "issues" that should not exist continue indefinitely when if proper context of reality based principles are held theses types of things are properly instantly dismissed so that one can move on to what is relevant.
  5. What's even stranger is that the title of this thread is linking morality with emotional states which are not even remotely related in any form. Bad weather can definitely cause negative emotional states in certain people in certain contexts but equivocating that with morality in any form is beyond insane.
  6. And the nonsense "discussion" continues even though the answer was provided.
  7. The answer is simple, despite all the blathering on in this thread. It is simply anti-reason, anti-reality, anti-morality tribalist collectivism that especially exists at the "extremes" of the false statist dichotomy.
  8. They don't want it properly moderated. Pretty sure the destruction of the forum is the goal.
  9. How were they talking about evil racist/collectivist ideas in your school?
  10. Yeah, those people that are alcoholics or don't use vaccines need to be talked to rationally, but they usually don't listen and instead resort to mysticism from the "public" instead which further destroys their minds and often makes their irrationality that leads to issues like that worse. And then those that are evil discourage them from listening to those of us that are moral and rational and can help them solve their issues best to make the situation even worse and allows them to continue their charade. Also, you didn't respond to the post above?
  11. The last part of what you said is true (hacking alert on my phone as I went to type this, as Austin Texas seems to be filled to the brim with evil criminal scum that I tried to leave behind and doubted would exist here with so many Objectivists and ARI moving here), but why do they care to the point that they don’t want Objectivists like ourselves to have rational discussions between ourselves without outside interference of trolls?
  12. First time I wanted to put up a laughing emoji like Jon. Inverted reality on your part.
  13. All my memories are 100% accurate with no changes. That is a completely arbitrary assertion with no basis in reality.
  14. Mostly true but not fully. For instance I can fully remember from over 3 decades ago being at the pool at my grandparent's golfing condominium community in Daytona Beach Florida when a sonic boom that I had never heard before and rarely since occurred. I went back to our condo from the pool and checked the news and it was a space shuttle returning.
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